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Messages - bsedwick

Thanks again Jeff.  That approach certainly does make sense and easily repeatable.  No despair here; I will give it some more practice.
thanks Jeff.  I will give it a try although I think I may have attempted this approach.  On another note, has there been any common problems with the T7?  If not, maybe I should check out that one.
General Tormek Questions / problems grinding with T3
February 06, 2009, 02:06:32 AM
Jeff and all,
  I bought the t3 a few days ago and am pretty pleased for the most part.  I am a little disappointed I can't use the tool rest to hone and now I see the continuous run time is 30 min.  I will say that flattening the backs and hollow grinding have never been easier.  My main area of concern is that I can't get a grind anyway near straight.  I understand about appling even pressure and spending equal amounts of time on all areas of the bevel but I just can't make it work.  I have tried numerous times using the truing tool and then when I go to use the right angle jig, things get all messed up.  What I am seeing is that i can't get the tool rest to stay parallel with the stone.  Everytime I raise or lower it, it's a crapshoot whether or not I tighten both rods in the correct position.  It appears there is an awful lot of play in the two rods.  I just don't know what to do.  Maybe I should return this one and try out the t7?  I am not at all ready to give up though.  Thanks for the patience, Ben