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Messages - guyos

Hand Tool Woodworking / Re: Trueing T4 stone
November 11, 2019, 11:44:01 PM
Hi Ken

Thanks for your suggestion which seems to be the answer, I was setting my depth of cut too soon and too deep.

I will give your way a try and see how I get on. It seems to make a lot of sense. Thanks again

Hand Tool Woodworking / Re: Trueing T4 stone
November 10, 2019, 06:14:18 PM
Hi Ken
when I set the truing tool I first make a slight touch on the highest part of the stone while turning it by hand, then I advance one digit on the dial, and press down then tighten the knobs. When I switch on it seems to work well until it reaches the middle, then it chatters and dig in. As I said supporting the bar with my finger seeems to help.
Hand Tool Woodworking / Trueing T4 stone
November 09, 2019, 10:02:16 PM
I have had a problem trueing my T4 stone.
I use the TT50 tool and follow all the instructions, I also make sure everything is locked tight.
I start across the stone and all goes well until I reach the middle, then juddering start and the tool digs deep into the stone making deep marks. This was happening on many occcasions, and so I blamed the TT50, and went and bought the newer version of the tool thinking all would be well.
On the first use the same thing happened leaving me with a badly scored stone.  After rechecking that verything was right  I hit upon the idea that while the tool was travelling across the stone, I placed a finger underneath the tip of the tool rest supportung it , and that seems to work.
ON close scrutiny I find that where the tool rest enters the body, there is a slight play, so that the vibrations shifts it from its position even with all screws fully secure, I can hold on to the end of it  and rock it slightly back and forth,  this was enough to change the diamond setting and let it bite into the stone. Has anyone else  had this prolem?
General Tormek Questions / Re: Axe jig
February 19, 2009, 03:22:46 AM
Thanks Jeff it is very explicit.
General Tormek Questions / Axe jig
February 18, 2009, 04:22:42 PM
I have bought the axe jig and tried to sharpen 2 small hatchets.

I am not clear on how to set the hatchet in it, there were no instructions. How should I register it? Should the tool rest on the rear of the jig  or up against the black piece on the front, there is a lot of difference. it says press with the palm of your hand, but holding up on to the black piece seems to give a better angle, it can be fiddly, I have made a wedge to force it on to the front , is there a better way to handle it?
I did manage to sharpen both hatchets, but was not accurate with the angles.

Any advice appreciated.

General Tormek Questions / Re: Honing problem
January 12, 2009, 08:14:41 PM
OK Folks

I eventually found the answer, The T3 does not use this straight edge jig for honing, must be done from the universal support.

Needless to say, I am very disappointed with Tormek, after the handbook clearly instructs how to do it with the jig and maintain the angle.

General Tormek Questions / Honing problem
January 12, 2009, 05:56:22 PM
I have just bought the T3 and am putting it through its paces.

I am very impressed, I have used scary sharp, water stones, diamond stones, and oil stones in the past, got sharp, but never could shave a hair.

With this tool I ground an old chisel, honed free hand, tried it on my arm, and the hair was just flying off, as I said impressed.

Now the problem, I can't work with the SE-76 jig for honing. I set the universal support horizontal as the book shows, but when I put on the Straight edge SE-76, and push it over to the right it can not tilt forward for the tool to reach the wheel, it fouls on the threaded post of the support.

If I keep it a bit over to the left to miss the support, it will swing forward but the tool misses the wheel.

How do you solve this problem?
