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Messages - David Dalley

Wood Turning / What is the recommended lathe?
March 04, 2009, 09:54:14 PM
Jeff, I noticed in your video you use the NOVA lathe.  Just curious if this is your  lathe of choice or what do you recommend?  or anything one else out here.

I currently have a Jet 1220VS mini and have been looking at the NOVA since it is on sale at Woodcraft.  So give me your input.
Do you sharpen the fingernail gouge at 30 degrees and the standard at 45?
Wood Turning / Spindle gouge (fingernail vs standard)
February 10, 2009, 08:30:00 PM
I am new to the wood turning world as of December.  I am doing quite a bit of end to end turning, so my question is do I need to have both a standard gouge and a detail gouge.  would appreciate any input.
Wood Turning / Roughing gouge angle setting
January 04, 2009, 03:31:13 AM
Is it possible to use the AngleMaster Wm-200 to set the angle when sharping/shaping a roughing gouge?
Wood Turning / Re: thanks
January 02, 2009, 03:18:03 AM
Jeff, thank for your suggestion.  I will just store the machine in a warm spot in teh house when not in use.
I live in a fairly cold area of Utah where it gets down to freezing quite often.  My shop is only heated when I am working.  My question is how do you keep the stone from freezing?