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Messages - Bernie Weishapl

I also have the Nova DVR XP. It is a great lathe, smooth and has handled some big stuff 15 1/2" x 10" deep. I have also cored on it with no problems.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Knives
August 25, 2008, 02:15:01 AM
Thank you Jeff. I will give that a try. I sharpened all the wifes kitchen knives and 14 pair of her scissors. It worked great on them. She is pleased so I guess I am forgiven for buying it. I also sharpened 2 of my cheap PSI bowl gouges. I tried them out on a piece of pine. If it would have been a box I would not have to sand it. It was that smooth. Thanks again Jeff.
General Tormek Questions / Knives
August 16, 2008, 01:59:27 AM
Was wondering how are like kitchen knives or paring knives with serrated edges sharpened with the Tormek? I did some others for the wife and they came out just excellent. She said now I am dangerous. ;D Thanks.