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Messages - John_B

I would try a few drops of bleach to keep things from growing in the water.
Quote from: cbwx34 on March 16, 2019, 03:01:39 AM
Took me a bit to get my bearings... but this spreadsheet is slick!


Thanks for doing this.

Edit:  One thing I've run across, on the "Bevel Angle" sheet, the first entry for "Wheel Diameter..." has a strange drop down menu that shows up...

I see the list of wheels from the USB Height worksheet. I use Office 365.

You might try deleting the file and downloading a fresh copy. Since the workbook is locked I doubt that a cell was inadvertently changed.
Hand Tool Woodworking / Sharpening Abused Chisels
March 16, 2019, 08:25:39 PM
I was sharpening some chisels that had seen better days recently and I had a couple of thoughts as I entered a Zen like mood.

First, I can see why Ken recommends starting off on chisels. Having the longer edge to look at while you sharpen makes it easier than a knife to assess your work and they are fun. Secondly it is very easy to feel the burr as you progress and this is also good if you do not have much experience with burrs on an edge. As I mentioned in another thread there was a stark contrast between the new edge and the rest of the chisels and I had second thoughts about not cleaning them up. 

My last thought centers around resharpening these chisels at some point. I think it would be very useful to measure the blade protrusion from the jig and the height of the support bar. This would allow you to exactly replicate the setup and possible save some grinding time.
General Tormek Questions / Re: New T8 User
March 16, 2019, 03:03:45 PM
I did a small set of chisels this week that were in pretty bad shape. Leaning into the grader did help and the job went by pretty quickly.
The result was a set of very sharp wood working tools.

This was a barter job. I got some great marinade/sauce from a small Tennessee company for the chisel work.
I do feel a little bad that I did not restore the rest of the tools so that they looked as good as the ground edge. But I think that will cost him another bottle.
Thank you for providing this useful spreadsheet.
I think I might spend some time today building the knife table based on the "X" dimension and bevel angle. My goal will be to have a standard set of "X" and bevel angle for a variety of knives to reduce setup time.
With respect to the waste water after you are done using the Tormek; it is also recommended that you do not pour the waste water along with any solid waste down the drain. It tends to accumulate and can cause a stoppage. I pour mine into a bucket and use the water outdoors on my trees.
Knife Sharpening / Another Way to Assess Sharpness
March 11, 2019, 10:14:36 PM
Today I saw a video which demonstrated a new (to me) way of assessing sharpness. He uses the banding from off brand plastic soda bottles. He asserts that the name brands like Coke and Pepsi are a little thicker and easier to cut.

Today I was shopping and I got a bottle of Ginger Ale. I tried cutting the label and I must agree with the statement. In my brief test it was more sensitive to sharpness than magazine paper and newsprint. I keep reminding myself to look for cigarette papers but so far I have forgotten.

If anyone has a Bess tester it would be interesting to know the highest value that will easily cut the label. 
General Tormek Questions / Re: Long term storage
March 11, 2019, 10:04:19 PM
I have Shimpo potters wheels that are driven by a tapered metal cone the rides against a rubber drive wheel. Sometimes a student will turn off the power with the drive engaged and I get the same thing happens; an annoying thump each time around. If it is bad I place the wheel in the kiln room where it is very warm and just let it run. Within an hour or so all seems back to normal.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Price of ACC-150
March 06, 2019, 11:34:46 PM
I also wonder how long it takes to sell the equivalent of 1 55 gal drum of ACC-150.

When you are in business and pay taxes they also ding you for your inventory. While the price is a bit high considering the raw chemical cost it is similar to many other things currently on the market. I once thought buying duct tape in bulk was the way to go. I am, after almost 30 years on my last roll. I must say Mil-Spec tape was made to last.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Price of ACC-150
March 04, 2019, 11:07:32 PM
Yes Delaware Wolf is Advanced Machinery.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Price of ACC-150
March 04, 2019, 10:48:01 PM
Sharpco try these links. I am not sure if they ship free to Korea, however.

I have purchased from the second link's vendor delawarewolf132 and my items arrived faster than expected and in perfect shape.
Wood Carving / Re: Learning to use the jigs
March 01, 2019, 03:16:31 PM
Ken, I do not see a link.
Wood Carving / Re: Learning to use the jigs
February 28, 2019, 09:50:33 PM
Have you watched this video?

There are a couple of steps that are important when using this jig. It is less than 2 minutes long but illustrates the setup very well. With the length added by the small knife jig you should have no issue even with shallow angles when it is affixed to the knife jig. Another thought, make sure the small knife jig clamping plate and the knife blade are on the same plane as shown. Using the bench for alignment works well.
Ken I do not see an attachment.