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Topics - Troutgetter

General Tormek Questions / Better/finer stone?
October 14, 2006, 06:38:28 PM
Hi Guys.
My name's Mike. Yeah, I'm a FNG.
Just got my tormek and I have a question after using this machine after a week. Yeah I know, one freaking week.
Anyway...and please don't take offense, I am accustomed to sharpening to a finer edge by hand than by this machine.

I make bamboo fly rods by trade. I use old Stanley 9 1/2's and sharpen the irons on a 4000/8000 gr Japanese water stone.
My question is...the Original Manufacturers Product of 650 grit stone is WAY too rough even after applying the "fine" stone to the wheel and honing.
I see that Japan Woodworkers offers two grades of waterstones for grinders. Will either of these wheels fit my machine and have any of you used them?
I bought this machine to get away from hours of handsharpening but...I want a SHARP iron.  Not a shiny iron.
Not trying to be a pain but all youse guys know how much this machine costs. I thought I'd ask you because I assume you guys use this machine everyday as I assumed I would be.
My best to you all,