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Topics - EricRN

Knife Sharpening / Round Knife Sharpening
November 16, 2023, 08:20:21 PM
Hi,  First post here.  Have been using the Tormek for a few months now and love it.  So much more precision and control than my old sharpening set up.  I initially bought the Tormek to use with woodworking tools--turning tools for my lathe, chisels, and plane irons.  But this thing could also be a game changer for my kitchen knives and leather crafting tools.  Most of them are pretty easy to set up with the various jigs.  But one has me stumped--my leather pattern knife:  It's a variation of the leather workers half-moon or round knife.  Any ideas how I might be able to jig this thing up to sharpen on the Tormek.  I wish I was sufficiently good at sharpening by hand that I could free-hand it (on either a wheel or a flat stone), but that's not my strongest skill-set.  I'd love to be able to figure out some way to jig it up so that I can get a consistent, repeatable edge on it with the Tormek.  The knife jig doesn't look like it will hold it well, but would love to hear any suggestions people have.  Thanks in advance.