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Topics - keesh

Dear all,

I just bought a Tormek T4 and DBS-22, at first sight to sharpen drill-bits, but while it's so versatile, I want to use it for knifes, scissors as well.

I watched the Tormek video on Youtube

I was wondering if the whole width of the stone can be used during grinding. So can you get with the drill bit beyond the side edges of the grinding stone while grinding? If yes, I should say that the stone will remain more flat for a longer time, while the man on the video doesn't use the whole width.

2nd question. Can I use normal water, out of the tap? I live in Holland, the quality of the drinking water is quite good. What use the most people on their Tormek?

3rd question. While I have a small shed, space for storing equipment is always a problem. How long does it take before the stone is completely dry? Can I store the machine in the original (cardboard) package? Can I store the stone separately from the machine, and if yes, how? Store flat (in the package) or hanging at the bore?

Many thanks!
