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Topics - Paul howell

Hello all, and thank you for accepting me. I am 62yrs old. when i was 30 i was advised to take up a hobby, woodwork cabinet making and turning seemed to fit the bill. thus i set about sorting out a workshop and tools. A tormek 2000 and a comprehensive set of the then available jigs. After a few years I lost interest in wood and started playing with classic cars, but i never really developed the skill to work metal. I am now returning to wood, and re-eqipping my workshop items i had let go lathe bandsaw etc.

so i got my old Tormek out and dusted it off, switched it on and it worked fine, so I started to look on line and discovered how much tormek had moved on. Since i plan to some turning and carving, (I very much feel a rocking horse coming on) I looked at the updated gouge jig, a vast improvement on the SVS40. So i purchased an SVD186R, TTS100 and the 100XB horizontal base. So here is my problem. The fitting instructions for the 100XB require it to be squared from the stone, however my stone runs like a buckled wheel, with a side to side movement in excess of 2mm. My first thoughts were the shaft, so I stripped the machine down. The shaft is the original and was straight and true, The stone sides are 90 degrees to the face. I cleaned the rust from the washers and they are now flat, however on the label side of the stone there apperars to be a shim stroke washer adhered to tyhe wheel which is somewhat rusted. I am not sure if that is an issue however as the wobble on the wheel has always been there, in fact I bought an ADV 50D in the nineties and was told all i needed was to tue it up with that, so assummed the wobble was normal. Has anyone experienced similar problems or have any solutions.