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Topics - C.J.


This is my first post, and I have a question I figured would have already been asked many times before, but my searching of this discussion board was not fruitful.  Apologies if this has been answered somewhere else - if so, just drop a link and I will check it out. 

I am a woodworker, but completely brand new to wood turning.  I am gathering all of the stuff needed, and I am currently working on reconditioning an old dry-wheel grinder to use with the Tormek BGM-100 dry grinding setup.  My hope is to rough shape tools before sharpening on my T-8. For sentimental reasons, I am reworking my deceased father-in-law's 1950's General Hardware grinder with two 5" wheels.  In reading about the BGM-100's setup, however, it clearly states it is for use with 6-10" wheels.  I am wondering how the 5" setup compares to a 6".  If using a 5" wheel is going to be fussy, perhaps more cumbersome, but workable, I will give it a shot.  If a 5" wheel is doomed to failure, I'll just get a bigger grinder. 

Thanks for any advice and insights. 

