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Topics - jtyson

So, admittedly, I bought this stuff off Craigslist about 2 years ago and it has been sitting on the work bench waiting for me to spend some time figuring it out. I just jumped on it not really knowing much about it. At $260 it seemed like a good deal with all the extra stuff. Then I paid another $60 or so for the honing wheel. I hope to use it for sharpening all sorts of goodies. I've got a lathe and a ton of tools, lots of chisels, pocket knives, kitchen knives, and maybe some straight razors if this is up to that much precision.

I've been watching some videos and reading the paperwork I've got. It is a SuperGrind 2000 I guess. No idea how old. Came with a bunch of jigs, I've figured out what some are, and others not yet. I've numbered photos. If you guys can clue me in to my missing stuff, that would be cool.

1. Turning tool jig
2. ???
3. Small knife holder
4. Large knife holder
5. ???
6. ???
7. Dressing stone (broken I know, but appears to have been used that way for some time)
8. Truing tool
9. Honing Paste
10. Axe/Hatchet tool
11. Extra small knife holder
12. Straight edge jig
13. ???
14. ??? - This one has a part number so I can google it, just haven't yet.
15. Knife holder? Maybe use with 5 or 6?
16. ???
17. Standard tool rest
18. Planer blade jig

There is also another truing tool that I didn't get in the picture, but it is just the diamond piece on a piece of stock with a hole through it. Don't know how it would be used.

I'm sure there are some other tools that I probably need. I have two of the plastic setting tools that I don't really understand how to use. But I think I need another different kind for gouges and turning tools?

I've got a new honing wheel to put on there. I think after watching videos I will probably need to order the honing tool for getting the insides of bowl gouges and V carving tools.

Anything else you guys can think of? My first function will be to try to fix some badly marred chisels. Then I'm gonna give some cheap kitchen knives a shot. See how much I can screw things up there before I jump into my skews and bowl gouges and such.

Trying to upload pictures but the system doesn't seem to like photos.