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Topics - sandor

Knife Sharpening / My way of mounting knife in SVM-45 jig
February 09, 2017, 06:20:37 PM
Many of us have encountered problem with mounting knife in the jig and subsequent sharpening a bevel symmetric with respect to the blade axis. Below there is my procedure which I use for some four years.
1-    Insert the knife in the SVM-45 jig.
2-    Tighten the small screw No.3.
3-    Fix the position with knob No.4.
4-    Tight and fix so, that the jaws form a parallel gap = red lines in the picture.
5-    Put the knife jig on the T7 stone, but do not start the motor.
6-    Align the Anglemaster WM200 with loosen right angle setter knob.
7-    Tighten the right angle setter knob. The angle is fixed (no matter how large it is now).
8-    Flip the knife jig.
9-    Align the Anglemaster WM200 and look where the light shines through. If the light does not shine through, the knife is mounted.
10-    When the light shines through loose the knife jig knob No.4 and revolve the screw No.3 by 15° to the right or to the left. Practice will tell you the direction and size.
11-    Repeat the procedure from step 3.

Thank you Jan for translation