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General Tormek Questions / T8 Update
March 03, 2017, 05:42:55 AM
Hi Tormek Users. It's been a while since I've been on the forum so I thought I'd drop by and give an update on the T8 I bought at the end of last year. I got it for my school workshop so I could sharpen chisels and planes in bulk at any time and make sure I'd have a consistent sharp edge. 

Thanks to the advice of those here, it's been working really well. I've gone through a bunch of chisels and have recently started on the Planes. It's made a HUGE difference having the Tormek on hand. My students have really enjoyed using well setup and sharp tools. Their success has been great to watch. I've gone through all the Stanley No.5's and have a bunch of No.4's to get through next.

I couldn't be happier with the T8. It's slow going but the consistency has been well worth it.

Hi Tormek experts!

I've just put through an order for a Tormek T8. I should have it in a few days. It's for my school so we can stop sending all our chisels, plane blades etc to a sharpener at the end of the school year for a new edge. I'm keen to get in the habit of touching things up often to avoid the cost of professional sharpening and so my kids can have the best edge possible when they need it. I'm pretty excited to see what it can do in person.

I've watched heaps of videos and I think I get the idea but they always seem to take one chisel through the process of sharpening.  I suppose my concern right now is having to setup the angle for each chisel. I'm hoping there are some simple ways to set it up once and put all the chisels through it. Is it as simple as leaving the jig on the rail and pushing each chisel down to meet the stone to set the correct height in the jig?

Do you have any tips and techniques to take a couple of dozen chisels and plane blades through the sharpening process?

Thanks in advance!