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Topics - Kwakazaki

General Tormek Questions / Rusted shaft
December 01, 2018, 04:15:35 AM

Not happy

I have known for a long time that I was going to have problems with this tool, but never did I realize quite how spectacular it would be!

Shaft was rusted in place... no thought of even removing it, had tried a number of times previously with no luck.

Then I happened upon a video for electrolytic rust removal... ah ha, maybe I can dissolve it out of the stone as the electrolyte is so inert (soda) and water based.

The honing wheel came off easily, but at first could not find a video or instructions as to which direction the the shaft came out of the machine. Tried rubber mallet, then thought maybe shock would do the trick if rust had just extended inside the plastic bearings.

I did not hit the shaft very hard, more a sharp stike, than a blow... and I certainly had no thoughts about what came next..... THE STONE LITERALLY EXPLODED, pieces flew all over my basement. I was very glad nobody was down there with me. The rust buildup clearly had the stone under great stress and the tap put it over the edge.

Not a good advertisement for this product in my view. Now I have to find $275+ and grid the old shaft out... thanks stormed. Should be thankful the result wasn't worse I guess!