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Topics - refugio

General Tormek Questions / What's a kenjig?
January 03, 2016, 06:46:37 PM
I've been away for a while and popped back in, and I see that everyone is using the "kenjig", which is apparently a "simple wooden jig". Interesting. The closest I could get was in this thread for "a new angle setting tool".

So I did a search - not one thread with "kenjig" in the subject line! So now that there is such a thread, can someone reply with the design / photos / link to making and using this mythical jig?  :)
General Tormek Questions / How did I do?
August 22, 2013, 06:08:42 AM
I bought this 2004 on eBay for $421 last week with everything that comes with a T-7 except the handbook/DVD (easy enough to get) and HTK-170 plus SVS-50. The diameter of the stone is 246mm, and the thing sure seems minty:

I've read about the rusty shafts, but this one seems brand new.

Anything I should be checking?

And are there any upgrades you guys would recommend (other than the updated support with micro-adjust)?