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Topics - Ric Albano

Drill Bit Sharpening / DBS-22 Grinding Issue
November 30, 2012, 03:58:14 AM
After several grinding attempts with my new jig I am noticing that the P facet is where the S facet should be according to the instruction manual.  They are the reversed.

Furthermore the Point is incorrect

I've watched Alan Hotham's YouTube video over and over but thats not helping

I have a photo to show you but i don't know how to send it
General Tormek Questions / Edge Angle
November 19, 2012, 06:01:52 PM
What am i doing wrong?

1) I set my 10" Wenger chef's knife at about 17 deg which is about what i found as the factory edge using the sharpie.

- Using my left arm it grinds the edge almost right on the original bevel, but when i reverse the jig to flip the knife and use my right  arm the edge appears to be grinded about half a mm more than the factory bevel and it is noticeable when you compare the two sides under the light

- The tip is more evident the edge angle is off as one side looks more grinded than the other and looks off center

3) On a few knives i noticed the edge closer to the handle of the knife (ricasso) is deeper into the blade or rounded into the blade of the knife than the rest of the edge

General Tormek Questions / Polishing Knife Blades
November 06, 2012, 03:00:36 AM
After researching the Tormek I just recently purchased my T7 unit and i was wondering if there was a leather or buff wheel to polish a knife blade that can be installed on the grinder.  I used the T7 for the first time and noticed how well the Leather wheel can polish the edge, that if there was something to do the rest of the blade and make it a uniform finish