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Topics - Black Mamba

General Tormek Questions / Emptying Water Tray
April 04, 2012, 06:58:08 PM
Short of picking up the T-7 and emptying the water from the reservoir with the reservoir still attached to the machine, has anyone developed a procedure to remove the reservoir ....still full of water....without spilling water all over the place?

General Tormek Questions / Setting knife jig
March 19, 2012, 10:22:43 PM
I have just purchased the Tormek T-7 model. I also bought the SVM-45 knife jig. The jig I bought is significantly different than the one shown in the DVD that accompanies the T-7.....mainly in that it lacks any integral grinding angle indicators along the shaft of the jig itself. I understand that moving the " stop " on the jig will affect the grinding angle, but where would I set the ' stop "? The manual mentions that by adjusting the Universal Mounting Bar will adjust the grinding angle but that also raises the question of where the  "stop " should be positioned. Got any suggestions.