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Topics - joel

I know it wasn't smart but... the water in my shop container was frozen and I was cold and rushed to sharpen two chisels. I poured the little melted ice water I had into the Tormek tray and proceeded to sharpen. The rough grinding seemed to go OK. However, when I used the grader to smooth the stone, it quickly wore a dish into the stone grader. So... NOW I went back to the house, got "liquid" water and filled the tray to the proper level. How can I flatten my grader? Or, do I need to buy a new one?  Signed, lazydumbguy
I'm about to perform my first sharpening session on my new T7.  First up are 6 chisels that need to be reground, refined and honed.

To perform the steps, I understand that I would regrind each chisel on the coarse stone, use the grader to change the stone to 1000 grit and then refine the edge without removing the chisel from the jig. Then regrade the stone back to coarse... etc. This requires regrading the stone from coarse to fine and back again something like 11 times for 6 chisels. Wouldn't it save a lot of wear and tear on the stone and grader to position each chisel the same "protrusion" from the jig's edge – scribe a fine line, or use a strip of tape on the chisel at the jig's edge – regrind all 6 on the coarse wheel, then using the grader ONLY ONCE, carefully reinsert each chisel in it's original position and refine – and hone – all 6?

Any comments/advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Joel
General Tormek Questions / T7 noise
April 24, 2011, 03:43:02 PM
I just assembled my new T7 and have a question about a disconcerting sound.

As the wheels revolve, the normal "running hum" is not a steady sound. With each revolution, it makes a deep "wha... wha... wha" sound as if something is bent or out of balance. It's not a scraping sound. I have other grinders in my shop that have a normal smooth running, electric motor hum which is the sound I would expect from a premium priced product as the Tormek. The grinding wheel appears to be turning within specs.

Is this normal? What is causing this? Does yours make this same sound? I'm hesitant to use it until I'm certain that all T7s produce this sound. 

Thanks for your kind assistance.