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Topics - Chris Maxwell

Hand Tool Woodworking / Cabinet Scrapers
November 05, 2004, 11:06:41 PM
I have recently used my Tormek to grind a 45degree bevel on 5 of my 2" by 6" cabinet scraper blades. (veritas) I find that it's easier to put a burr on their edge after doing so.

Has anybody else tried this?

I also have used my Tormek to recondition a very pitted burnishing rod.  It looks like new.  I just mounted the Torlok jig close to the stone, the angle is unimportant.  I then put the burnishing rod across the Torlok jig (parallel to the universal mounting bar).  With the stone graded to coarse, I ran the rod back and forth as I rolled it over and over.  Once all the pits were removed, I repeated the process with the stone graded to fine; then repeated the process on the honing wheel.  About 20 minutes saved me the 20 bucks I would have needed to spend on a new burnishing rod.

I shared mine...

Any other cabinet scraper tricks that can be pulled on the Tormek?