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Messages - Ricksweden

General Tormek Questions / SA-250
October 30, 2019, 12:45:28 AM
Hello and thanks for letting me in to this forum. I have been given a Tormek SA-250 and I am now planning to start using it.

I have been reading some of the threads about this model and figure that there seems to be a lot of knowledge amongst you even though it is an old model.

I wonder what grit you can expect from the natural stone I seem to have on this machine?

I also wonder i anyone know if I can use the stone adjuster with any good results?

Finally I wonder if the wheel on the left side (darker in colour) is for polishing the edge? It is not "rubbery", its rather hard. Though that can of course have to do with the years that has gone since it was new.

According to the condensator this machine seems to be at it earliest from 1986.

Thanks/ Rickard