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Messages - YWR

General Tormek Questions / Re: T3 or T7
November 10, 2010, 10:05:23 AM
Thanks for you messages guys - particularly to ionut for a clear summary

now all I have to do is to examine the state of the exchequer and decide what I can justify spending.

the old adage of 'do I need it, do I want it. can I afford it' - and any 2 "yes's" means you get it not so appropriate these days - UK pension funds are not what they were !!

Kind regards to all
General Tormek Questions / T3 or T7
November 07, 2010, 09:39:16 AM
Greetings to all

Over the years I have tried a variety of sharpening/honing jigs with a range of, mostly unsatisfactory !, results.  I have now decided to try a Tormek but the question is which one ?

The T7 is obviously the 'flagship' model but is almost twice the price of the T3

The application, initially at least, would be chisels and possibly the occasional plane blade.

This could later be extended to gouges and possibly even twist drills - I tend to use the latter until blunt and then throw away and get another one !

I would welcome any comments or observations from those who already have a machine - I'm struggling to justify the cost of the T7 !

