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Messages - Joe

I think my stone may be glazed over as well.  Which corner of the grader should I use to try and deglaze, the coarse or fine?  Thanks.
General Tormek Questions / When to order new stone
August 01, 2010, 10:58:27 PM
How far down do you let your stone wear before you order a new one? At what size can you no longer use the stone? I sharpen 100-150 knives per week.  Thanks.
Thank you very much.  Watching the video really helped. My stone was very uneven.  I adjusted only the minimum amount each time and made several passes and now the stone looks great. 
I need to tru the stone on my T7.  I read the instructions, but I am a little uncertain of how to do it.  Any advice or tips for a first-timer?
I have had the Tormek T7 for about a week and have had a lot of success getting an edge on several different types of knives.  Today, however, I could not seem to get an edge at all.  I don't think I'm doing anything differently.  Are there any adjustment tips that might be helpful?  Any troubleshooting advice?

Thanks for your help. Joe