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Messages - Tore LR

Thanks for nice input on this one, Jeff. I think I just have to practice some more, cause I try to follow your advice, but still it seems like the "honing plane", and of course the angle, is different on one side of the blade compared with the other. Hmmm, practice practice....

Edit: After reading a bit on this excellent forum, I think that the right term for what I'm talking about is "the bevel". The Bevel is longer on one side compared to the other...
I'm not really any good in writing English, and my lack of right terminology will show for sure. But here we go:

I have a T3 and use the knife jig. On most knifes it works fin, but some times I get a longer "honing plane" (the grinded part of the blade) on one side and shorter on the other. What do I do wrong?