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Messages - ronee

General Tormek Questions / Re: Turn Table
May 28, 2012, 12:46:39 AM
This is the best accessory I have bought in some time for my Tormek.  It is made of durable, strong material.  It saves lifting and water spill when I reverse the machine.  It helps make sharpening on a Tormek even more joyful.  Just push the small lever and turn.
General Tormek Questions / Re: RB-180
May 28, 2012, 12:19:31 AM
I have one.  It is not cheaply made.  It is some form of a polymer that can handle the weight of the sharpener.  I love it!  It is one of the best accessories they have made.  It saves a lot of lifting, and water spilling every time I turned it to hone.  It you like the idea... buy it.  Don't try to make it.  It is not a "lazy susan". :)
Wood Turning / Re: What is the recommended lathe?
April 18, 2009, 06:46:52 PM
I bought the NOVA dpx on sale at Woodcraft last month.  Great price for the lathe.  I have used it for a month now, and love it.  No vibration, easy to change speeds, good torque, etc.  I also bought the outrigger for reversing the head.  Haven't used it yet.  The only issue I have with it is when my AM radio is on, there is a buzzing (static?) on all stations.  I can even hear it in my house, nearly 100 ft away.  So it is an indicator that I forgot to turn it off.  I looked at the Jet but deceided on the NOVA for ease of changing speeds, and its over all weight, and quietness.
Thanks for the info.  I have the book and DVD, so I will purchase and use the Ellsworth gouge.  Glad to hear that it works as well as I have heard it does.
I use baby oil (mineral oil), and oil periodically to keep the honing wheel "moist" so the honing compound works better.  I sometimes use a courser honing compound on stuborn turning tools.  If I don't use the Tormek for awhile, I always use a few drops of oil on the wheel.  So just oil the leather wheel whenever it is too dry, is what I go by. 
General Tormek Questions / Re: Sharpening Videos
April 16, 2009, 02:13:42 AM
It is available at  I had no problem with this site.
General Tormek Questions / Ellsworth Bowl Gouge
April 16, 2009, 02:08:24 AM
I am considering purchasing an Ellsworth Bowl Gouge.  Can this be sharpened with the Tormek jig (s) rather than the Ellsworth jig?  Has anyone used this gouge for bowls and sharpened on the Tormek?
I have a Model Supergrind 2000 that I have upgraded through the years.  I bought it at the Woodworking Show in Nov 1998.  Everything works great and I use it on chisles, plane blades, turning tools, etc.  But, it is the rectangular body, not the slant front.  Does Tormek have a decal to apply to the top of the unit to measure the wheel diameter?  Or do I need to continue using my inch ruler and calculating the metric measurement?  It's not hard, but a nice decal would be great for using with the WM 200.