I was trying to shape a skew chisel on the dry grinder with the bgm-100. I followed the instructions from the bgm-100 book and the one on the tts-100 jig. I could tell something was not right. So then I look in the tts-100 instruction manuel. I discovered on page 40 that the closed seat had been re-designed in 2006. It said the original closed seat (mine) should be shortened 10 mm or I could adjust the protusion by 10mm. I did the second choice. Is there going to be an update offered for the revised closed seat?
The revised closed seat is available as a repair part.
How do you know if you have the old or new?
If the end of the extrusion is cut off square, you have the old one (prior to 2006).
If the end is cut at an angle, you have a newer one, and the protrusion measurements given in the various guides will be right on.
If the end is cut at an angle, and there is a hole machined in the side opposite from the clamping pad, you have the newest version.
The hole allows you to clamp very small skews.
Anyone with a hacksaw, a drill press, a file and a little time can make their old one just like new. ;D
Thank you!
Jeff, can you show us a picture of the current jig? The diagrams in the replacement parts list only show end and side views. I can't viualize where the hole for the short tools is located. Thanks.