Tormek Community Forum

In the Shop => Wood Turning => Topic started by: Rich102 on December 29, 2008, 08:33:06 PM

Title: SVD-180 and SVD-185
Post by: Rich102 on December 29, 2008, 08:33:06 PM
I have an early SVD-180. How is the SVD-185 different and can I upgrade the SVD-180?
Also I have play in the plastic/nylon sleeve that slides on the universal support. Is there a replacement part for this?
Title: Re: SVD-180 and SVD-185
Post by: Rich102 on December 29, 2008, 08:35:22 PM
Also here is an interesting link to a wet vs dry grinding study:
Title: Re: SVD-180 and SVD-185
Post by: Jeff Farris on December 29, 2008, 09:15:43 PM
The difference is that the SVD-185 has an improved clamping pad that does a better job of centering the gouge in the jig, and will do it with virtually any size or style of gouge.  The SVD-185 also has an adapter to sharpen small scraper insert tips. The SVD-180 can be upgraded to the SVD-185 with the SVD-005 Upgrade Kit. For USA customers, visit and click the link for "Upgrades & Replacements".  The replacement bushings are available in the section titled "Repair Parts".
Title: Re: SVD-180 and SVD-185
Post by: Rich102 on December 29, 2008, 10:21:06 PM
Thanks Jeff!
Title: Re: SVD-180 and SVD-185
Post by: creeve on October 07, 2009, 06:45:30 AM

Is it correct the SVD-005 Upgrade Kit does not come with the larger M8 replacement bushing required to fully upgrade a SVD-180 to a SVD-185 (so the new larger knob screw can be screwed into the old holder with a smaller bushing)?

Title: Re: SVD-180 and SVD-185
Post by: Jeff Farris on October 07, 2009, 02:42:51 PM

The M-8 insert is only needed on the very first production run of the SVD-180, which is a small percentage of the total production of the SVD-180.  It is available at no charge to anyone who purchases the SVD-005.  Unfortunately we've not done a very good job of explaining that either before or after the sale of the SVD-005. 

Do you need one? 
Title: Re: SVD-180 and SVD-185
Post by: Jeff Farris on October 08, 2009, 06:03:16 PM

Noticed that you had an order with our parts department for the M-8 insert, but I didn't catch it before your credit card was processed.  A credit for the purchase was issued today.
Title: Re: SVD-180 and SVD-185
Post by: creeve on November 02, 2009, 02:55:13 AM
Hi Jeff,

Excellent customer services - providing me credit for my M-8 insert purchase without me even asking (since I had a first production run of the SVD-180)!!

I received the insert in the mail in a day or so from when I ordered it and installed it and forgot to check this site for the reply to my question.

I just noticed on my credit card statement that I received a credit for the purchase of the M-8 insert and logged onto this site to thank you.
