Tormek Community Forum

In the Shop => General Tormek Questions => Topic started by: HandLogger on September 10, 2024, 07:19:22 AM

Title: What can I do with our T-7 System?
Post by: HandLogger on September 10, 2024, 07:19:22 AM
Hi to the Tormek Community!

As we once had plans to put the traditional timber framing skills I learned as a much younger man to use on a home of or own, we purchased a slightly used T-7 sharpening system back around 2007. 

As I see that this system has been replaced by a newer system, known as the T-8, I'm wondering what the differences are between the older and the newer system?  I'd also like to know if it's still possible to get all of the parts for the T-7 system? 

If most of the jigs intended for the T-8 are interchangeable with the T-7, I suppose that we're still in good shape, but that's why I'm asking about the differences between the two systems.

Thank you kindly for your time ~
Title: Re: What can I do with our T-7 System?
Post by: Ken S on September 10, 2024, 02:07:48 PM
Welcome to the forum, Handlogger.

Part of theu Tormek philosophy is "no Tormek left behind". Replacement parts are available, even for much older models than the T7. Also, all of the jigs and accessories are fully compatible.

The housing was redesigned for the T8; however this does not effect the functioning of the machine. The redesigned rising and falling water trough is not interchangeable; however, I certainly would not replace a working T7 machine for this.

The early T7s had a stainless steel main shaft instead of the EZYlock. In my opinion, while I like the EZYlock, the straight stainless shaft works fine.

The motor switch on the early T7s is not the new safety switch. This would be a concern for a higher speed table saw. For a slow speed Tormek, the main difference is that a foot switch won't work with the newer switch, a nuisance when flattening chisel backs.

I suggest you register your T7 on the website ( The warranty has expired; however, registering gives you access to the latest edition of the handbook. I have it loaded onto my ipad.

Enjoy your T7; it will serve you well for many years.

Keep us posted.

Title: Re: What can I do with our T-7 System?
Post by: HandLogger on September 10, 2024, 06:17:23 PM
Hi Ken ~

You made reference to the phrase "early T7s" in your response.  How does one go about determining whether or not they own the earlier model that you're referencing? 

Needless to say, if the "early" distinction indicates a design flaw of some kind, I'd like to know what to look for.

Have a good one ~
Title: Re: What can I do with our T-7 System?
Post by: Ken S on September 10, 2024, 07:46:51 PM
Hi, HL.

No design flaws, just innovation changes. My present T7 is what I call a later one, from sometime in 2011. My original T7 was stolen during a burglary while I was moving. I had purchased it in August of 2009. I would call it one of the earlier T7s. I believe all T7s had stainless steel main shafts, a major improvement.

Between 2009 and 2011, Tormek changed to the EZYlock; the AWT advanced water trough (a larger water trough); and the annoying safety switch.

Since you are "the previous owner", I would not be concerned about past usage. I would suggest you purchase a new TT-50 truing tool. I would also suggest regreasing the nylon bushings (good housekeeping).

Title: Re: What can I do with our T-7 System?
Post by: John Hancock Sr on September 11, 2024, 01:04:25 AM
I was in a similar situation but mine was bought at a auction sight unseen for 1/8th of new price. Whist the machine was fine the shaft was rusted and the wheel had to be replaced. With a new shaft and SG-250 it was as good as new. It is now doing good service in my son's shed.