The Tormek system is so versatile. I'm a maker/mod-er/fiddler and over the years have done all sorts of things with my Tormek that go beyond sharpening. Currently, I am making some bamboo fly rods and have come to the stage of treating the snake guide feet, which means taking a supposedly "finished" stamped feet and thinning and fairing them so that when the silk thread is wrapped over to secure them that there is a smooth, aesthetic transition rather than a noticeable bump. This task it typically done using files and sandpaper and often on some sort of fine grit grinder.
Top: As received, Middle: Flattened with hydraulic press, Bottom: faired using Tormek diamond wheels.
Snake Guide Foot Treatments 1 09-02-23 640.JPG
Hydraulic press. I ground a raduis on the corner of an old HSS cutting tool so there would not be a sharp step at the transition.
Snake Guide Foot Treatments 2 09-02-23 640.JPG
Fairing on diamond wheel
Snake Guide Foot Treatments 3 09-02-23 640.JPG
Well, I guess it is a grinder...