Choosing a favorite Tormek class is a bit like having to choose a favorite child. As much as I appreciate the fine classes by Sebastien and Woofgang, I have a warm spot for the class Sebastien did with Stig. I like Stig's practical approach to sharpening. Here is a link to the class:
I am sure my preference is biased by my good fortune in meeting Stig in 2014.
Since then, I have tried to see him whenever he is demonstrating in Ohio.
I have watched him sharpen many knives and chisels. His technique is refreshingly simple: SG-50 coarse, then fine, followed by the leather honing wheel with PA-70. Very traditional Tormek. Very sharp, very skilled without fanfare.
I intend no criticism of those who use more complicated methods. I have followed the amazing innovations by our members with interest and appreciation. I only wish to encourage our intrepid pioneers. I am concerned about our beginning members. Aspiring to the stars is noble. Mastering and enjoying the original Tormek techniques is also noble. Stig has mastered this technique. I find his enthusiasm contagious and have enjoyed his video. I hope you do, also.