Tormek Community Forum

In the Shop => General Tormek Questions => Topic started by: Michiel8560 on December 01, 2022, 07:20:39 PM

Title: Typ se250
Post by: Michiel8560 on December 01, 2022, 07:20:39 PM
Dear grinders,

I found this beauty in a second-hand shop. It starts and runs well but the rubber (drive) ring is worn and the stone is no longer straight, in my opinion. There seems to be a bump in the stone. Is there an easy way to fix the stone? (without the diamond tormek tip) (sandpaper maybe?) Does anybody knows if I can buy the rubber drivebelt-ring separately? 

What I am wondering is whether it is worth restoring the machine? I would like to use it to sharpen my knives (as a hobby use).

Another thing I don't understand is how the support on top of the machine works. The new machines have an adjustable double legged support on top. Mine has just a small 90 degree single support. Can I adjust the machine with a double support so then I can use it with the SVM 45 Knife Jig.

Thanks in advance,

Title: Re: Typ se250
Post by: tgbto on December 02, 2022, 08:55:21 AM

I don't know much about the model you're referring to, and I don't see any pictures in your post so I might be off. Anyway : if there is any significant reprofiling of the stone to be done, you will need the truing tool.

Sandpaper you can forget, but even a diamond plate will get your stone out of round and/or skewed. You need to be able to reference from a fixed poitn in space if you want your stone to be centered around the shaft. It is also important to have it parallel to the USB, which you can only do with a tool that will be move parallel to the USB.

Title: Re: Typ se250
Post by: Ken S on December 02, 2022, 11:44:49 AM
Welcome, Michael.

My reply to you was the one which was lost and my CAUTION topic. I will redo it later today.

As a quick start, here is the link to the Tormek you tube class on the history of the Tormek models. The SE-250 starts at about eight minutes:

The other recommendation is for you to email Tormek support ( They can provide expert guidance for you.

"I shall return",

Title: Re: Typ se250
Post by: Ken S on December 03, 2022, 11:08:48 PM
I am sorry for my delay in finishing this reply.

As noted in the Tormek video, the SE-250 was an early model most probably equipped with Tormek's original natural sandstone grinding wheel. This wheel was softer than the SG SuperGrind wheel which replaced it and remains the standard grinding wheel today. As the TT-50 diamond truing tool is hard enough to true the SG and even the Harder SB blackstone, it is more than a match for the sandstone wheel. I believe a Tormek stone grader or certainly an inexpensive small diamond stone could true your grinding wheel. Using one of these would not be as fast or automatic as a TT-50; however, with patience, you should be able to do the job at very low cost.

As I stated earlier, support is your best resource with an older Tormek. Support can advise you about whether or not you can modify your SE-250 to double sleeves. If not, you can certainly sharpen your knives freehand, as was always done with the early Tormeks and is still done by some very expert Tormek users. You can learn this skill.

Is your SE-250 worth restoring? As someone who values using century old tools, I lean toward "yes". However, if you need to replace your grinding wheel, it may be cost prohibitive to do so. Your SE-250 will be limited compared with modern Tormek models. For your sharpening needs (as it would be for mine), that may not a constraint compared with the pleasure of using a fine vintage tool.

If you really get the Tormek bug, you can always add a second Tormek later.  :)

Enjoy your journey and keep us posted.
