Just taken delivery of my T8 and attempted my first chisel, started at coarse and the first thing that happened was the two outer edges started to cut away at approx 15 degrees. Took it to my grinder and brought the blade back to a straight 90 degrees and started second attempt. The stone had no effect. All it did was grind off more and more metal but never getting to a point, eventually two corners wore away and gave up after about an hour and a much shorter chisel. Checked the machine and all surfaces for square and they are perfect. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong would be appreciated
Pictures of the bevel and the issues you describe would be extremely helpful.
Have you not only read the manual but studied it, on the use and adjustments of the SE-77 jig. Very important.
Have you done much reading of previous posts in the Hand Tools Woodworking subforum? This is where most posts about chisels go. Lots of posts there about squaring chisels in the jig, etc. Here is the most recent (https://forum.tormek.com/index.php/topic,5135.msg), with what may be very similar issues, but that is where photos would really help.
Sharpening a chisel squarely is not so obvious on a T8, when in fact you would expect it to be.
Personally, I always put a pencil mark on the mirror edge, just below the cut, so that I can monitor myself that the grinding process remains perfectly square. If it goes wrong, don't keep grinding and stop.
Do you do use the SE-77 as a chisel holder? There are adjustment knobs on there that you can use to adjust the position of the chisel is. But they are not made for that!
(Those adjustment knobs are meant to round off planing iron slightly at both ends of the iron).
Hi thanks for your input. Unfortunately I don't have a manual. The one that came with the machine is only in German. So it's trial and error at the moment.
You can still do a lot of homework by reading previous posts in the Hand Tools Woodworking subforum.
Pictures, pictures, pictures...
Have you registered your machine? If not, do so. Once registered, you can download user manuals in English and some other languages.
Welcome to the forum, Colin.
You can obtain a manual in two ways:
1) Get on tormek.com and register your Tormek. Once you are registered, you can download the manual. I downloaded it on my ipad and refer to it often. It is available in a dozen different languages at no charge.
2) Email info@tormek.se. They can send you the manual (handbook) in your preferred language. I believe there is usually no charge for this.
Also, you should check out Tormek's youtube channel. They have a well done, thorough video on chisel and plane blade sharpening.
Keep posting!
Quote from: Ken S on November 10, 2022, 09:45:07 PM
Welcome to the forum, Colin.
You can obtain a manual in two ways:
1) Get on tormek.com and register your Tormek. Once you are registered, you can download the manual. I downloaded it on my ipad and refer to it often. It is available in a dozen different languages at no charge.
2) Email info@tormek.se. They can send you the manual (handbook) in your preferred language. I believe there is usually no charge for this.
Also, you should check out Tormek's youtube channel. They have a well done, thorough video on chisel and plane blade sharpening.
Keep posting!
Option 2 is the only one currently available...
Quote from: https://faq.tormek.com/org/tormek/d/where-can-i-find-a-manual-for-my-machine/We have updated our website in the end of september. The Log-In does unfortunately not work yet on the new web. We are blessed with the worlds sharpest community and we are always looking for ways to reward them. 😉 That's why we are developing a more valuable log-in for all Tormek users.
In the meantime, please write an email to info@tormek.se with the serial-number of your machine and name the language you would need the handbook in. We will answer you as soon as possible.
From past experience with Tormek, I am sure this situation with the online handbook is only a temporary glitch in the growth process. Please let us know when you receive the manual from Tormek.
I do not like the term "temporary glitch in the growth process".
A malfunction is a malfunction. If it affects customer support, I call it a significant malfunction.
I agree with you that Tormek will certainly fix that and I appreciate their efforts to provide an alternative solution to mitigate the problem. There is not much what Tormek clould do about it for the time being.
I agree. It is a malfunction. In context, it occurred during a major revision of the website. I also think that as Tormek becomes aware of these situations, they will correct them, or at least provide workarounds.
For the time being, maybe the "Tormek Live Sharpening Classes" on Youtube might help? For instance this one: https://youtu.be/wMATay8ITE8 (https://youtu.be/wMATay8ITE8)
Note I just purchased a Tormek T-8. I had the latest paper copy manual, but wanted a PDF copy as well. I emailed info@tormek.se and received the following response:
Follow the link and sign up then you can download the handbook.
It asks you for your email to sign up for their newsletter, and then redirects you to a webpage where you can download the handbook in various languages.
Thanks for posting the link. As a test, I tried it and found it worked.