Tormek Community Forum

In the Shop => General Tormek Questions => Topic started by: Ken S on January 25, 2022, 04:24:49 PM

Post by: Ken S on January 25, 2022, 04:24:49 PM
We will try using this topic as a lexicon of commonly used Tormek terms.
Title: FVB (Front Vertical Base)
Post by: John_B on January 25, 2022, 08:21:37 PM
Front Vertical Base (FVB) is designed for controlled-angle honing on the leather wheel and may also be used for edge-trailing knife and cleaver sharpening.

Note: This is not a Tormek part. It may be bought or made by user.
Title: Tormek Part Numbers
Post by: John_B on January 28, 2022, 07:21:27 PM
Thank you Rich Colvin

Tormek Jig numbers
* DBS-22 Drill Bit Sharpening Attachment
* RBS-140 Round Blade Sharpening Attachment
* SE-76 Square Edge Jig
* SE-77 Square Edge Jig
* SVA-170 Axe Jig
* SVD-110 Tool Rest
* SVD-180 Gouge Jig (old — replaced by SVD-185)
* SVD-185 Gouge Jig (old — replaced by SVD-186)
* SVD-186 Gouge Jig (old — replaced by SVD-186R)
* SVD-186R Gouge Jig
* SVD-110 Tool Rest
* SVH-60 Straight Edge Jig (old — replaced by SE-77)
* SVH-320 Planer Blade Attachment
* SVM-00 Small Knife Jig
* SVM-45 Knife Jig
* SVM-100 Long Knife Jig (old — replaced by SVM-140)
* SVM-140 Long Knife Jig
* SVP-80 Moulding Knife Attachment
* SVS-32 Short Tool Jig (old — replaced by SVS-38)
* SVS-38 Short Tool Jig
* SVS-50 Multi-Jig
* SVX-150 Scissors Jig

Tormek Accessory numbers
* ACC-150 Anti-Corrosion Concentrate
* ADV-50D Diamond Truing Tool (old — replaced by TT-50)
* ADV-D Exchange Diamond Bit for TT-50
* AWT-250 Advanced Water Trough
* BGM-100 Bench Grinder Mounting Set
* CW-220 Composite Honing Wheel
* EM-15 Edge Marker
* HB-10 Tormek Handbook
* HTK-00 Storage Tray for Hand Tool Kit
* HTK-806 Hand Tool Kit
* LA-120 Profiled Leather Honing Wheels
* LA-122 profiled "discs" (leather honing wheels)
* LA-124 narrow profiled "discs" (leather honing wheels)
* LA-145 Leather Honing Wheel
* LA-220 Leather Honing Wheel
* MB-100 Multi-Base
* MH-380 Machine Cover
* MSK-250 / MSK-200 Stainless Steel Shaft
* OWC-1 Tormek Converter
* PA-70 Honing Compound
* RB-180 Rotating Base
* RM-533 Rubber Work Mat
* SP-650 Stone Grader
* SVD-005 Upgrade kit for SVD-180
* T8-00 Storage Tray for Tormek T-8 Accessaries
* TC-800 Tormek Case
* TNT-00 Storage Tray for Woodturner's Kit
* TNT-300 Woodturner's Instruction Box
* TNT-808 Woodturner's kit
* TS-740 Sharpening Station
* TT-50 Truing Tool
* TTS-100 turning tool setter
* US-103 universal support for T-3 & T-4
* US-105 universal support for T-7 & T-8
* US-430 Universal Support Extended
* WM-200 AngleMaster
* WT-200 Water Trough (old — replaced by AWT-250)
* XB-100 Support Base (plate and knobs only)

Tormek Stones
* DC-200  Diamond Coarse
* DC-250  Diamond Coarse
* DF-200  Diamond Fine
* DF-250  Diamond Fine
* DE-200  Diamond Extra-fine
* DE-250  Diamond Extra-fine

* DWC-200 Diamond Wheel Coarse

* SB-250 Blackstone Silicon Grindstone
* SG-200 Original Grindstone
* SG-250 Original Grindstone
* SJ-200 Japanese Water Stone
* SJ-250 Japanese Water Stone
Post by: RichColvin on September 17, 2024, 04:35:55 PM
Tormek Jig numbers

Tormek Accessory numbers

Tormek Stones