Hello Tormek people!
I have the possibility to buy a Tormek SuperGrind 1205, but i am unsure if it is a 250mm or a 200mm machine.
The seller doesn't know :-\
Can any of you help me out by telling me which size it is?
I have tried google, but i cant really seem to find the model at all.
- Benny
Hi, Benny.
Your most reliable source of information would be to email Tormek support (support@tormek.se). Include the photo in your email. I have often consulted support; their knowledge of earlier Tormek products is unsurpassed. (It is also free of charge.)
Please post their reply. It will help our group knowledge.
Hi Ken.
I will try that.
- Benny
Quote from: BennyJ on September 08, 2020, 01:08:07 PM
Hello Tormek people!
I have the possibility to buy a Tormek SuperGrind 1205, but i am unsure if it is a 250mm or a 200mm machine.
The seller doesn't know :-\
Can any of you help me out by telling me which size it is?
I have tried google, but i cant really seem to find the model at all.
- Benny
A couple of pages I found seemed to indicate the replacement stone is 200mm. For example...
...shows it's the replacement stone for the 1205.
(But I'd see what Tormek says, to be sure).
https://www.baptist.nl/en/houtbewerkers/sharpening-and-grinding/tormek-supergrind-system/tormek-sg-200-supergrindsteen-voor-1205-1206-en-t-3 It takes a 200 mm stone according to this site. Probably a precursor to the T3.
Hi all!
Here is the answer from Tormek support :
"Hi Benny.
It is a 200 mm machine. It is a predecessor to the T-3/T-4.
Best regards,
Mats Wuolo"
Thanks for the answers everyone!
- Benny
Cool. 8)
(Hopefully you can take a look at it... just gotta wonder why the box looks like it got soaked at some point).
Save the email address; Mats is a super, helpful resource person.
Hi again!
I just wanted to let you know that I bought the Tormek. It turned out to be an completely unused machine with 3 assesories included. The box had gotten wet at one point, but the only thing that had been damaged from the water was the USB. I payed about 75 usd in total. 👌
Thanks for the support, I really appreciate it!
- Benny
By the way, the assesories are the following:
I think you found a good deal on a used Tormek, a rare find.