Tormek Community Forum

In the Shop => General Tormek Questions => Topic started by: CarlKlefbom on June 04, 2020, 09:54:55 AM

Title: Live Sharpening Class - Gardening tools
Post by: CarlKlefbom on June 04, 2020, 09:54:55 AM
The summer is finally here (at least in Sweden)! Therefore we're now doing a special episode of our sharpening class, focusing on the gardening tools. Learn how to sharpen secateurs, lawnmower blades, a scythe, hedge shears, and other tools that you use in the garden! 🌳🌿

Date: Thursday, June 4
Time: 3.30 PM, Swedish time (CET)

Follow this link: (
Title: Re: Live Sharpening Class - Gardening tools
Post by: Ken S on June 04, 2020, 02:49:37 PM
I think placing the online classes on Tormek's you tube channel has been a wise decision. I believe many more of us will actually end up watching the classes over the years on you tube. It also allows "refresher classes" at essentially no cost to Tormek's marketing budget AND classes done by trained, experienced Tormek staffers instead of "some random guy on you tube".
I hope the classes will continue. Both the Tormek and the Tormek users have the potential to be greater.
Title: Re: Live Sharpening Class - Gardening tools
Post by: Tool Junkie on June 04, 2020, 04:35:17 PM
It was a good class today. I had wondered about sharpening my Friskars shears. They recommended taking the blades/handles apart.

I also saw a new trick; using the knob on the jig as a reference point for really steep angles.

Title: Re: Live Sharpening Class - Gardening tools
Post by: John_B on June 04, 2020, 08:19:05 PM
I toook apart a pair of Fiskar garden shears that were heavly danaged and quite dull. I also saw that they hd worked loose so the blsdes did not come together properly.
Repeating the steps in the video I was able to put a good edge on them and remove the damage. After reassmbly and adjustment they gut like new.
Title: Re: Live Sharpening Class - Gardening tools
Post by: RichColvin on June 04, 2020, 08:29:50 PM
I've added this to the Sharpening Handbook:

Thanks to Tormek for really fine work.

Kind regards,
Title: Re: Live Sharpening Class - Gardening tools
Post by: Ken S on June 04, 2020, 10:47:17 PM

Your Sharpening Handbook becomes an increasingly valuable online reference. Thanks for your good work.

Title: Re: Live Sharpening Class - Gardening tools
Post by: RichColvin on June 05, 2020, 12:02:51 AM
Thank you Ken.  Appreciate it.
Title: Re: Live Sharpening Class - Gardening tools
Post by: Ken S on June 05, 2020, 04:12:06 AM
I enjoyed the gardening tool sharpening online class today. I am not a gardener and have not sharpened gardening tools with my Tormek. This class was all new knowledge for me.It is all too easy to get hung up in our everyday sharpening and forget how versatile the Tormek really is.

I hope these classes will continue; there is so much beneficial information to be learned.
