I'm new here on the forum and appreciate all the experienced people commenting. I'm not new to sharpening, but am fairly new to the Tormek system. I bought a T4 about 5 months ago and have been slowly learning the ropes. I found the knife grinder people in Australia and they have been a great help. I'm also into other hobbies that are very information heavy (pistol handloading) and I am very aware of the amount of bad information that is out there. My goal is to avoid all that. I only sharpen knives for myself, kitchen knives and a few friends knives. I do it mostly for the challenge and relaxation and satisfaction.
I'm really thankful I found this forum because I was almost ready to sell my T4 and get a T8 after watching various you tube channels and reading confusing chatter on other sites. I was convinced I had made a huge mistake. I have the Japanese water stone and already had a half speed grinder set up with paper wheels for honing. I was ready to scrap it. Then I read some comments on here that convinced me I probably actually made the right choice. Anyway, I'm excited to join in here and hope to be a help to others and learn from all of you.
Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you. The T4 will serve you well. You might go to Tormek's YouTube channel and check out the last several sharpening videos that have been put out over the last couple of months with Wolfgang and Sebastian. They are a great resource and really helped me step up my game.
Welcome to the forum, Michael.
Like you, I sharpen my own tools and knives as a hobby and an enjoyable challenge. I am also a longtime fan of the T4, not always a popular opinion.
You have received a good start in following Vadim (Knife Grinders or "Wootz" as he is called on the forum). Yes, unfortunately there is no shortage of mediocre and worse you tubes. However, on the bright side, Tormek is releasing a series of very good online instructional videos on its you tube channel. The first one covered knife sharpening. Later in the series, there will be an advanced knife sharpening video. These are almost an hour long and very thorough. Don't miss them.
Ever since the T4 was introduced in 2014, there have been naysayers, most of whom have never worked with one. I used to see posts from members wanting to start out with a T4 and eventually "move up" to a T8. I have never read a post from someone who actually did that. Your T4 will handle anything you want to do with it.
Keep learning and keep posting.
This is my first post here. i own like you the T4 with the japanese waterstone. and i use it just to sharpen my knifes and some of my friends. The big advantage (in my opinion) is that can easy store it, i put all my gear in a crate and in the basement. and in my opinion the T4 works really gr8!!
What would be a good price for a used T-4 without any jigs?
I think I know a sharpener that might have one sitting under the bench. Next time I am near his shop I may just stop in and see.
Until recently, new T4s sold for $399. They are slightly higher now. They are sold with a seven year non commercial use warranty which should be transferrable (check with Tormek). $300US seems like a fair starting point for a T4 in good condition. If I was selling, I might prefer a little more; if I was buying, I might prefer a lower price. $300 seems fair to both parties.
As a sweetener, you might offer to sharpen half a dozen knives at no charge.
Good luck.
The person that I think has one under his bench is a has one of the few successful brick and mortar sharpening services locally. He has different T-8s set up with different wheels on his bench so he never needs to change wheels.
Thanks for the price estimate, I may take a drive to see him next week.