Tormek Community Forum

In the Shop => Knife Sharpening => Topic started by: Jan on April 07, 2020, 03:22:01 PM

Title: Sharpening on a belt grinder using Tormek jigs
Post by: Jan on April 07, 2020, 03:22:01 PM
Some two months ago I purchased smaller belt grinder (2 x 50") mainly for knife making but with some optional accessories it can be used for knife sharpening using Tormek jigs.

The belt grinder has three phase 2 HP Siemens motor and variable frequency drive speed controller which allows to select RPMs between 800 and 3600. It also allows to reverse the motor revolutions. This is important because I sharpen away from the edge at 800 RPM.

For sharpening using Tormek jigs I ordered contact wheel with 250 mm diameter and a special attachment with horizontal support bar. There is no need for FVB.

There exist plenty of various grinding belts suitable for knife sharpening. New belts are very aggressive and very small pressure is sufficient to sharpen the edge.

The major concern is dust and heat generation. I have attached the grinder to a shop vacuum cleaner but I rely more on a filtering mask. What heat generation concerns, when using belts with 400 grid and finer, I do not feel temperature increase with my fingers.

The angle setting is the same as on Tormek. The kenjig concept works fine because the wheel diameter is fixed.

You can imagine that it is a pleasure to have this alternative to Tormek machine with a limited number or grinding stones.

Title: Re: Sharpening on a belt grinder using Tormek jigs
Post by: RickKrung on April 07, 2020, 03:34:35 PM
That looks kick ass, man!  Last summer, I got a Viel 1x42 belt sander and modified it with a variable speed DC motor and reversing switch.  I also played with the speed control pots to get the speed way down, to reduce the heat but also just the speed of material removal. 

I set it up similarly to be able to work edge trailing, like yours.  But, I haven't used it as much as I expected.  Partially due to the fact that I haven't been doing much sharpening, but it sure is handy when needed. 

Your machine/setup looks killer, but also looks expensive.  Can you post a link to the manufacturer or supplier?

I could get/use a wide range of grits in the belts, but just haven't been motivated since I don't use it that much.

As far as dust collection, due to the heat, it may not be advisable to use a vacuum directly.  It may suck up hot sparks and ignite a fire in the container.  Especially if the vacuum is used for other tasks such as woodworking sawdust or even household/shop floor cleaning.  I think it was on the BESS Exchange where this was discussed.  Recommendation was to use an intermediate bucket with water in it where the particles are directed into the water. 

Title: Re: Sharpening on a belt grinder using Tormek jigs
Post by: jvh on April 07, 2020, 05:13:21 PM
Congratulation to your new HAIM H03 (!

I plan to add a dust exhausters to my H01 (probably POC-M 6 (, unfortunatelly I cannot visit the manufacturer at current situation...

Title: Re: Sharpening on a belt grinder using Tormek jigs
Post by: cbwx34 on April 07, 2020, 06:12:24 PM
Quote from: Jan on April 07, 2020, 03:22:01 PM
You can imagine that it is a pleasure to have this alternative to Tormek machine with a limited number or grinding stones.


Nice setup, but gotta ask the obvious... do you still need/use the Tormek?  (I probably wouldn't with that setup...).

p.s.  Any pictures of knives you made?
Title: Re: Sharpening on a belt grinder using Tormek jigs
Post by: Jan on April 07, 2020, 08:21:20 PM
Guys, thanks for your positive feedback! Especially in the current lockdown situation I have enough time to become familiar with the new belt grinder.

Rick, you are correct, the grinder was quite expensive. The price was approximately three times the price of Tormek T8 in this country. The manufacturer HAIM is a small specialized company oriented mainly on local market with belt grinders. JVH posted the link to the manufacturer. Sorry, it is not in English, but the attachment for knife sharpening is shown in nice 3D CAD drawings.

Rick, Thanks for your advice concerning vacuum cleaner. I am aware of this danger and use a simple homemade spark separator.

JVH, I see the vacuum cleaner only as a temporary solution and plan some better dust exhauster.

CBWX, I still use my Tormek. I have quite new diamond stone and I have also invested too much energy in different accessories. Tormek is dust free.
