I found this well done video. I believe he has done several others. It shows several sharpening methods, including both the Tormek and the BGM-100.
Quote from: Ken S on March 09, 2018, 01:53:31 PM
I found this well done video. I believe he has done several others. It shows several sharpening methods, including both the Tormek and the BGM-100.
Nice video. Love the control he has and the beauty of the cuts he makes. Causes me to have more interest in wood turning. ARRRGH! Please, not another serial obsession! I have too many already.
I always had issues with where to put my hands to get the full swing- I'll try Nick's suggestion to place the thumb behind the elbow on the jig next time I'm doing my gouges.
One question I've been looking for on here is convex bevel spindle gouge, and if anyone has done that grind on the tormek, but that is for another thread.
Thanks for the video- I'll have to rethink the my profiles to make it less time sharpening and more time turning.
Quote from: RickKrung on March 10, 2018, 04:27:12 PM
Please, not another serial obsession!
We call it the black hole. One you pass the event horizon, you are never coming out !