As I am a proud owner of a T3 I wonder if there is a better way of doing the ski edges of my GS-skis than by hand.
This would require the possibility of setting a defined angle between 95 - 88 degree and grinding and honing the edges evenly over the full ski length.
I currently own the following extras:
Does someone of you found a way to achive that and sharpened his edges successfully?
Kind regards
Welcome to the forum, Martin.
I would like to offer a helpful solution, however, I know nothing about skis. The best I can offer is good wishes and hope that some of the other members can offer advice.
Never have sharpened skis... so this would be pure speculation. ???
I wonder if a wider version of the Homemade Knife Rest (, would do the trick? (Wider, to help hold the ski).
Only other thought... I'd grade the stone "fine", and round the edges of the wheel, so if the ski tipped, it wouldn't gouge the edge.
From what I read this a.m., the final honing may best be done by hand?
And find a 'cheap' ski to practice on. :o
(Like I said, just speculating). ;)
I would purchase equipment thats already in the market for this. I do both downhill and cross county and have some knowledge about it and It would be hard to get tip and heel of the skies sharpened correctly.
I tried! ;)
Thank you guys for your effort! Proofes not to be trivial. I thought following the claim ... for all sharpening needs..
I looked at the knife rest, but it,s important to set a defined angle. I think it's just not to be set by eyesight surely. With my hand tool it's set to 88 degree.
Probably doesn't matter but actually I own a t4 not a t3