Tormek has indicated we can place a special order for the US400 but supplies are limited. I indicated I thought I could sell 10 here is Continental USA, but I would like a show of hands of those interested before I commit to ordering them. Price is not known but with special order, shipping, etc. I am guessing around $80. Reply if interested.
I'm in.
For those who need more info... wootz has a picture and dimensions in this post...
As per my earlier email, sign me up for one. I will let the other party contact you directly.
The US-400 reminds me of some of the custom very small run accessories made by third parties for the Unimat, a long discontinued small machine tool. Whenever I found domething, I would purchase one. As it turns out, I have never used any of them, however, I knew that if the need occured later I would not be able to locate one.
This thinking motivated me to purchase one of the extended support bars sold by our member, Robin Bailey of the UK. My longest knife is eight inches, so I have never needed the longer length. I have used it for my intended purpose of sharpening my Chinese vegetable cleaver. It did this very well with the knife jig, just as I had hoped. The standard support bar is not high enough for this. The standard technique is to sharpen it freehand, although Herman's platform would also work well. I have also found the extended support can be used across the Tormek to provide a horizontal position grinding into the blade, just like a conventional grinder. This does not with wet grinding, however, it works well with dry grinding with CBN.
I have no immediate need for the US-400. Wootz uses several, so I want to keep learning.
I suspect most of you do not realize that the present 140mm long knife jig was only intended by Tormek to be marketed in Europe. Steve ( was talking with Jeff Farris many years ago. Jeff was the importer; Steve was and is a Tormek dealer. Steve convinced Jeff to ask Tormek to include the longer jig in the US market. Steve is not only an expert sharpener and teacher, he has been a very innovative Tormek dealer.
I would be interested in one. However, my funds at the moment are slightly limited, so I will need a little time to hide save up for the purchase. Any idea on timeline?
Quote from: Ken S on October 27, 2017, 06:39:57 PM
I suspect most of you do not realize that the present 140mm long knife jig was only intended by Tormek to be marketed in Europe.
I have no doubt Tormek had their reasons for this marketing decision. Some years ago there was an incident in UK politics which has become known as "the night of the long knives".
I'll take one.
Quote from: brettgrant99 on October 27, 2017, 06:53:27 PM
I would be interested in one. However, my funds at the moment are slightly limited, so I will need a little time to hide save up for the purchase. Any idea on timeline?
Allow 6 weeks for shipping from Sweden and we are talking about mid December.
Perfect. Just in time to be my Christmas present for my wife. :)
Good information, Steve.
I want Tormek to produce higher and longer Universal support for Large cleaver knife or very long knife. It should be higher than US-400.
I have a higher universal support made elsewhere, but it is inconvenient because it has no threads.
I'll take one.
Thank you.
Quote from: sharpco on October 28, 2017, 01:53:51 AM
Good information, Steve.
I want Tormek to produce higher and longer Universal support for Large cleaver knife or very long knife. It should be higher than US-400.
I have a higher universal support made elsewhere, but it is inconvenient because it has no threads.
What size is the support you had made?
Quote from: sharpco on October 28, 2017, 01:53:51 AM
Good information, Steve.
I want Tormek to produce higher and longer Universal support for Large cleaver knife or very long knife. It should be higher than US-400.
I have a higher universal support made elsewhere, but it is inconvenient because it has no threads.
I have no inside information. Any company must be concerned about product liability, especially when its product may be used by unskilled new users. A taller USB would be convenient for such things as sharpening cleavers in skilled hands. In unskilled hands, it would also present a more obtuse angle to the grinding wheel, perhaps increasing the chance of a catch.
Any company must also consider market demand and pricing for its products. The standard USB, which is adequately sized for the vast majority of users, is included with every new Tormek. This would generate economies by the number of units produced.
The US-400 is not a new product for Tormek. It was the standard issue USB on the predecessor of the T2. When Tormek decided to manufacture a small production run, all of the designing and CAM (computer assisted machining) was already completed. This would substantially lower the consumer cost.
When Robin Bailey first designed his extended support bar, he offered to set up a small production run with his local machinist if he could secure ten orders. At the time, he only had one taker, me. Robin eventually decided to go ahead. I have no idea how many he has sold. I purchased one and like it.
Tormek must look at the project, as all projects, in economic terms. Could they produce the projected demands at a cost level to both sell and produce a reasonable business return?
If you find not having threads inconvenient, I would suggest you modify your set up technique. I hate to keep mentioning it, however using Dutchman's tables and a kenjig will eliminate the need for microadjust threads when sharpening kitchen knives, including cleavers. I have not tried it with a cleaver, however, I would expect Wootz' computer program to work very well, also.
If, for some reason, you wish to use a secondary bevel with a cleaver, Slip the collar stop from a square edge jig over one of the legs.
I use the microadjust primarily with the TT-50 truing tool and occasionally with other tools. I use the standard USB most of the time and Robin's extended support bar when needed. It's a useful accessory for the Tormek. Try using it with kenjigs.
Quote from: Ken S on October 28, 2017, 04:57:30 PM
The US-400 is not a new product for Tormek. It was the standard issue USB on the predecessor of the T2.
Probably a typo (T2?)... but the US-400 was a standard issue USB at one time? (Even their history page ( doesn't show it).
No typo. Tormek had a specific model for restaurant use before the T2. There was a photo of it recently on the forum. It used the US-400 support bar. As I recall, it was larger than the regular Super Grind and needed the longer support bar to use that length with longer knives.
Although the US-400 is interchangeable with the standard support bar on all Tormeks, I don't think it was ever marketed as an accessory for them.
I have frequently stated my belief that every well equipped Tormek sharpener should make a platform like Herman's. While not a jig, it is very versatile and useful for a wide range of dizes from scalpels to machetes.
Learn something new every day. ;)
Me, too. :)
Quote from: cbwx34 on October 28, 2017, 05:45:25 PM
Probably a typo (T2?)... but the US-400 was a standard issue USB at one time? (Even their history page ( doesn't show it).
The US-400 or something like it was standard on an all stainless steel Tormek sold to the food industry only in Europe. I think the model was T-4000.
Quote from: stevebot on October 29, 2017, 12:12:03 AM
The US-400 or something like it was standard on an all stainless steel Tormek sold to the food industry only in Europe. I think the model was T-4000.
Interesting photo, CB.
The water trough looks like the original advanced water trough. The grinding wheel is the standard SG-250. It looks like the leather honing wheel was used freehand.
Thanks for posting it.
Editted later:
I wonder what else besides the advanced water trough might have originated with the 4000. The first possibility which comes to mind is the present long knife jig with 140 mm blade width. The earlier long knife jig was 100mm wide. When the 140 was introduced, Tormek only planned to distribute it in Europe. Could that have been in conjunction with the 4000?
Tormek later introduced a regular shaft made of stainless steel for the T7. I wonder if that might have originated with the 4000.
The plot thickens............
What I have is like Ken has.
This is 100mm taller and 70mm wider than the standard bar.
I remember when Robin first posted his frustration sharpening cleavers. He wanted a taller support bar and did something about it. I admire him for that. I purchased my entended support bar from him for two reasons. The second reason was to be able to sharpen my Chinese cleaver well. Robin's support bar does that very well. The first reason was to support one of our own.
The main reason why more of us didn't purchase Robin's support bar was the shipping cost from the UK to the US. Call me not thrifty, I did not factor that in my decision.
My Chinese cleaver was a wedding present from my late best friend of many years. Robin's support bar makes it possible for me to sharpen it well. I don't think in terms of cost for such things.
Hi Steve,
Please add me to your list.
Thank you
The US 400 Extended Universal Support is now officially for sale. 12 pieces are on order and 9 are already spoken for.
Order here
I believe I am one of the nine who spoke for one, but just to be sure, I want one.
If you are interested in a US400 you need to order it NOW. I notified everyone who contacted me personally a few days ago and notified this forum yesterday but only one person has actually placed an order. I do not want anyone to be disappointed.
The US 400 Extended Universal Support is now officially for sale. Order here
I would like to mention something about Steve here. I am one of the original tormekers who has shown interest in the US-400. Steve did not know the cost at first. He took a guesstimate at eighty dollars total. He immediately had at least nine takers for the ten units he was trying to order(ten including Steve himself). As you can see, he has them listed for $48US (plus reasonable shipping cost). This may well be the only opportunity for anyone in North America for anyone to purchase this item. When a merchant has a virtual monopoly with commitments at a higher price and instead chooses a lower price, I call that person honest. I am impressed. Knowing Steve, I am not surprised at this honesty. He is a refreshing change from some of the online shenanigans I have seen all to often.
Well done, Steve.
ps For the record, I will be mailing Steve a check for full price for my order.
Quote from: Ken S on November 21, 2017, 07:23:02 AM
I would like to mention something about Steve here. I am one of the original tormekers who has shown interest in the US-400. Steve did not know the cost at first. He took a guesstimate at eighty dollars total. He immediately had at least nine takers for the ten units he was trying to order(ten including Steve himself). As you can see, he has them listed for $48US (plus reasonable shipping cost). This may well be the only opportunity for anyone in North America for anyone to purchase this item. When a merchant has a virtual monopoly with commitments at a higher price and instead chooses a lower price, I call that person honest. I am impressed. Knowing Steve, I am not surprised at this honesty. He is a refreshing change from some of the online shenanigans I have seen all to often.
Well done, Steve.
ps For the record, I will be mailing Steve a check for full price for my order.
I agree. Thank you so much, Steve :D
Quote from: Ken S on November 21, 2017, 07:23:02 AM
ps For the record, I will be mailing Steve a check for full price for my order.
Had to look up the definition of a "check".... ;)
I'm interested. Thank you
If you are interested, you will need to go to and place an order. Tormek has only authorized a small amount to be made. Steve's order of twelve is the only source I know of in North America. Once those twelve are gone, I do not know whether or not any more will be available. The last I knew, almost all of them were ordered. Do not hesitate if you are really interested.
US400s have not been received from Sweden yet. I have requested an additional 8. I'll keep you posted. Correct URL to order is
Hate to be "that guy"... but any shipping update?
(Also thought I'd bump it back up, in case anyone else may be interested. Honest.) ;)
Quote from: stevebot on November 28, 2017, 02:22:49 PM
US400s have not been received from Sweden yet. I have requested an additional 8. I'll keep you posted. Correct URL to order is
Do you know when you'll get it from Sweden?
Anyone get their US400 yet? I (and I'm sure others) got an email from Steve saying they would have to shipped, I'm guessing, direct from Tormek.. so would be interested to know when they start going out. Thanks! :D
I received the same email from Steve. (No support bar yet). i gather the support bars will be shipped to us from Affinity Tool, the Tormek US importer, in Troy Michigan.
Quick update from Affinity Tool via Steve:
The container from Sweden is due to arrive in Michigan on 1/25. Affinity should ship directly to us once they arrive.
Quote from: Ken S on January 12, 2018, 05:37:50 PM
Quick update from Affinity Tool via Steve:
The container from Sweden is due to arrive in Michigan on 1/25. Affinity should ship directly to us once they arrive.
Cool. Thanks for the update. :)
(With all the package theft nowadays, I try and keep track of shipping info). :(
I had a few moments when I needed the US400. I hope it arrives soon.
I called to find out about the order.... was told they "missed the boat" for the February shipment... and the next order won't come in until the middle of March. :o
I'm now taking bets on which will arrive first...
The US-400 vs. the Android 8.0 update for my old Samsung phone (scheduled this spring which means summer-fall if at all).
Takers? ::)
Quote from: cbwx34 on February 21, 2018, 09:55:21 PM
I called to find out about the order.... was told they "missed the boat" for the February shipment... and the next order won't come in until the middle of March. :o
I'm now taking bets on which will arrive first...
The US-400 vs. the Android 8.0 update for my old Samsung phone (scheduled this spring which means summer-fall if at all).
Takers? ::)
(Thank you for letting me know the truth.)
The shipment left Sweden in end of December and should be in the states.
I will contact them today to sort this out.
Affinity has located our missing shipment of US-400 and will be shipping them Friday or Monday.
Since I am snowbirding in AZ w/o my normal computer and printer I have requested that they ship them directly to you customers.
Thanks for you patience.
Quote from: stevebot on February 22, 2018, 04:18:55 PM
Affinity has located our missing shipment of US-400 and will be shipping them Friday or Monday.
Since I am snowbirding in AZ w/o my normal computer and printer I have requested that they ship them directly to you customers.
Thanks for you patience.
Well... here's to hope!!! ;)
(Wanna take a crack at Android updates?) :P
Quote from: cbwx34 on November 21, 2017, 03:20:35 PM
Quote from: Ken S on November 21, 2017, 07:23:02 AM
ps For the record, I will be mailing Steve a check for full price for my order.
Had to look up the definition of a "check".... ;)
I reread the entire thread (an interesting read). CB, you get the best humor award for your check line!
Quote from: Ken S on February 23, 2018, 01:51:45 AM
Quote from: cbwx34 on November 21, 2017, 03:20:35 PM
Quote from: Ken S on November 21, 2017, 07:23:02 AM
ps For the record, I will be mailing Steve a check for full price for my order.
Had to look up the definition of a "check".... ;)
I reread the entire thread (an interesting read). CB, you get the best humor award for your check line!
I try.... ;D
One thing I've pondered... what happened to the T-4000? It is certainly more ideal (idealer?) as a knife sharpener... more distance between wheels, vertical USB on both sides, longer USB.... etc. With a few additions ;)... would be a better platform for knife sharpening... especially the commercial route.
Where'd it go? ???
Good questions, CB. As a Tormek user also interested in the development of the Tormek, I ,too, am curious.
I receiced an email yesterday evening that my US-400 was shipped, as were several others. Shipping from Affinity Tool in Michigan, I should receive my package by Monday or perhaps Tuesday. I will post again when it arrives.
I received notification that my US-400 had shipped just before I received notice that Rick had shipped me a package from Washington State. I thought both would arrive yesterday. Rick's package from Washington State did arrive yesterday. (Thank you, Rick.) My US-400 has still not arrived. Usually the distance between Michigan and Ohio is shorter than from Washington State to Ohio.
Success!!! My US-400 arrived today. I notice it has the end safety stop internal threads, like the regular US-105. The one vertical leg is threaded, however, the unit does not come with a microadjust nut. I happen to have a spare from one of my experiments which did not work well, and I am certain most of us have at least ont microadjust on hand.
Iwill put it on my "to test" list.
I finally received the US-400 today. As opposed to being shipped FedEx... mine was apparently shipped PEG (Pony Express Gradual) ;) ...
Here's the delivery vehicle parked in front of the house...
... items were "well packed", as only one support post was able to protrude ::) ...
...but, no harm no foul I guess.
I was able to set up the USB with a template I now have for the height (setup described HERE (
... that seems to be working well.
Honestly not understanding why they didn't come with the MicroAdjust nut. All the others do... not sure why this is the exception. :-\
At any rate, I'm giving Affinity Tool a 👎 for the deal... mainly for the apparent unnecessary delay, the misinformation I was given when I called, (and a bit for the packing). >:( (I think the MicroAdjust nut should have been included too... although not sure that's their fault). I write this so hopefully, they'll fix whatever went wrong, and get back to 👍
But hey, they beat the Android 8.0 update.... :o
Hope others get (or have gotten) theirs soon! :D
The graduated tube in your last photo is intriguing. I assume you use it to set the Distance between the usb and the grinding wheel.Is it a full round tube or half a tube? How do you use it?
Quote from: Ken S on March 03, 2018, 08:23:32 AM
The graduated tube in your last photo is intriguing. I assume you use it to set the Distance between the usb and the grinding wheel.Is it a full round tube or half a tube? How do you use it?
It's not a tube... just a bad picture. :-\ I mark a piece of scotch tape, and just tape it on the USB upright, to show the distance which corresponds to wootz's Angle Calculator. Here's a picture that shows it a little better...
... and how I use it is in that other thread... USB Height Setting Using Wootz's Applet (
I've used a Tormek since 1996 but just discovered this site a week ago. Does anyone know if the US 400 is still available since there were a limited number imported? Thanks.
Hi, Jon.
Welcome to the forum.
Steve Bottorff ( is the dealer who set up the deal in the US. I recently heard from him that had sold all he had ordered. I suggest you email Steve.
Supposedly, fifty were found in a warehouse in Sweden several months ago. I would suggest you also contact Tormek support ( and your national importer. In the US, that is Affinity Tool. Between the three sources, you should be able to find one.
You have been a Tormek user for twenty two years. As you read forum posts, you will find a number of new members who recently purchased SuperGrinds. Your experience would be invaluable to them in helping them get up amd running. I hope you will continue to post.
We have sold all the US400 we were able to get, and even have had to turn down a few requests. I have asked the US distributor, Affinity tool, to see about getting more, but have had no response.
I have been surprised how useful the US-400 has proved to be.....Maybe Tormek should consider making making another batch.........