Tormek Community Forum

In the Shop => Drill Bit Sharpening => Topic started by: olrassler on August 24, 2010, 03:15:42 AM

Title: dbs 22 new drill bit sharpener
Post by: olrassler on August 24, 2010, 03:15:42 AM
When will the new drill bit sharpener be available.  Any reports on how it does?
Title: Re: dbs 22 new drill bit sharpener
Post by: Jeff Farris on August 24, 2010, 06:51:52 PM
In the United States, the DBS-22 will be available around the first of October. I put a perfect edge on a twist drill the very first time I tried it.
Title: Re: dbs 22 new drill bit sharpener
Post by: RONWEN on August 24, 2010, 07:15:58 PM
What size range will the drill collets hold?  I used to good at grinding drills free-hand (before my eyes got old).  I have difficulty with very small drill bits <1/8".
Title: Re: dbs 22 new drill bit sharpener
Post by: Jim Carroll on August 25, 2010, 12:55:56 AM
They will sharpen from 1/8" - 7/8"

Have a look here at the promo
Title: Re: dbs 22 new drill bit sharpener
Post by: Herman Trivilino on August 25, 2010, 04:58:05 AM
Looks expensive!  How much will it cost in the US?
Title: Re: dbs 22 new drill bit sharpener
Post by: tb444 on August 25, 2010, 07:22:07 PM
I think its going to be $254.95, but i'm sure Jeff will be able to confirm. Definitely looks to be a jig for the professional
Title: Re: dbs 22 new drill bit sharpener
Post by: Jim Carroll on August 26, 2010, 12:12:31 AM
We have been having a discussion about this on another forum and the general concencus is that you dont need to be a professional to use this jig or any other jig.

I will bet there is not many people out there that can sharpen a drill bit to exact shape every time.
Some may say yes I can but it does not last very long, this may be due to having 2 slightly different angles or the wrong angle or the wrong relief.

The reason most people buy the tormek is to get the repeatability of shape and grind and this is the same with the drill jig.

Yes it may be expensive AUS$395.00 but how many drill bits do you have sitting in the bottom drawer that could do with a good lick to fix up and reuse.
Title: Re: dbs 22 new drill bit sharpener
Post by: Herman Trivilino on August 26, 2010, 02:47:38 AM
The claim about the jig being made for the professional likely refers to the high price, not the notion that only a professional will have the skill to use it.  It looks to me like it will be easy to use.

I did have a large number of drill bits that were dull until I got a Drill Doctor for Christmas last year.  From what I've seen this jig will be far superior to the Drill Doctor, but that doesn't mean that those of us who don't have it will have to put up with dull drill bits.
Title: Re: dbs 22 new drill bit sharpener
Post by: Jim Carroll on August 26, 2010, 05:05:25 AM
It is a pity but it looks like it will not do the brad point drill bits, now that would be a real bonus.

From reading the paperwork so far yes set up and use should be easy, now just have to get one and have a closer look.
Title: Re: dbs 22 new drill bit sharpener
Post by: webhoover on October 03, 2010, 05:18:17 PM
Recently recived my DBS and i have to say it is the Dogs Dangaly bits, never befor have i had so many sharp drills to hand, it showed me ho worful my hand gringing was, yes not cheap but a blinding  bit of kit  good heave castings too, i have managed to sharpen flat wood bits in it with  a g clamp to assist and am watng for a greengrit carbide wheel (£8 Ebay) to fine tune my stone cardide bits too, not to sure about the brad point bits yet but once all others are sharm who knows what i will turn to
Title: Re: dbs 22 new drill bit sharpener
Post by: Robbo on October 04, 2010, 01:36:57 PM
A mate and I have just spent all weekend playing with the jig as we have to demonstrate it next week.

It is fantastic and puts an edge on drills that are better than new.

It has a bit of a learning curve but if you read the (ignore that bit ;)) instructions and the bit printed on the set up jig it doesn't take long to sort out.
Title: Re: dbs 22 new drill bit sharpener
Post by: Jim Carroll on October 04, 2010, 11:31:44 PM
My My Robbo after 60 years you are finally learning to read.  ;D

Must admit this is definatly one jig where it is best to peruse the instructions before attacking the job.

One thing Robbo omited was he also tried the hilti style masonary bits and was able to sharpen those successfully using the Black wheel, the grey wheel is too soft for the TCT on these type drills.

So a good tip for all those who use these type drill bits, beats sending them back to the drill doctor and getting charged heaps to sharpen.