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Messages - John Hancock Sr

Quote from: CopperFish on May 29, 2024, 07:17:37 AMKen your solution

Ha ha - I see what you did there
Baz is great. Love his vids. He is across town from me.

This surprises me as well. Nice to know though. Thinking about it, it will depend on the ceramic and its hardness. No doubt like steel, they will vary in hardness depending on composition.
Let me echo the sentiments of the consensus of the posters, practice makes perfect. I am relatively new to the Tormek but it was not long before I was getting good results but it did take a while to get my eye in. As with anything the experts make it look deceptively easy, and indeed it is but it does require some practice observation and as Ken says discipline.   
Quote from: Ken S on May 27, 2024, 02:42:36 PMJohn, I have not read anything from Tormek cautioning agaiinst using ACC

You are correct. From Tormek's description "Anti-corrosion concentrate won't harm your regular grindstones if you have it in the water, so you can keep treated water if you want to switch between a diamond grinding wheel and a grindstone, and then back again."

I edited my response above since I was clearly wrong :(

Having said that I do recall where one user noted that the dried compound did tend to clog the wheels but it can be easily remedied.
Given the price of hone rite and the possible wastage and contamination from the slurry I would not do it myself. It could get quite expensive.

** Edited as per Ken's correction! **
As for the possibility of clogging the wheel, Tormek juice since it may driy it clogs the wheel. From the hone rite site "It can also be used with Japanese water stones and diamond honing plates." So clearly they consider it suitable, but if you find that it clogs the stone as it dries then you may need to occasionally clean it with water or even re-dress the wheel it it is too bad.

I would have thought that there is no harm in trying considering their own advice above. The worst that could happen is you have to occasionally clean or re-dress the wheel.
Knife Sharpening / Re: New angle jig KS-123
May 24, 2024, 07:10:06 AM
Quote from: cbwx34 on May 23, 2024, 02:26:07 AMRich Colvin has a jig he made for using with the SE-77 that you might find helpful...

I do have that but I tend to use the marker method for a one off. I have a set of chisels to do then I'll use the marker method for the first one, set the projection with a small double square then use that for the projection on the rest.
Knife Sharpening / Re: SP-650 use on SJ-250
May 24, 2024, 12:58:59 AM
Quote from: khun on May 23, 2024, 10:13:19 PMComments under the video about how to use the SP-650 Stone Grader on Tormek's own website appear to disagree.

"The fine side gives the surface of the stone up to about 1000 grit."

Your quote only relates to the SB and SG wheels.
When speaking in relation to the SJ wheel the description says
"You can also clean your SJ-250 Japanese Waterstone or SJ-200 Japanese Waterstone in the same way, but with the fine side of the SP-650 Stone Grader."
Which is exactly what has been said by me and others. Indeed the "stone grader" is really an old fashioned dressing stone that has the benefit of temporarily increasing the effective grit of a lower grit wheel.

As cbwx34 says, there are many paths leading to Rome and the grader is just one. Experiment with the various methods and settle on one which suites your purposes.
Quote from: AlInAussieLand on May 23, 2024, 01:53:01 AMDid you get that of original Tormek diamond wheels ?

Yes - I got the DE-250 for $449 but i had to be patient
Knife Sharpening / Re: T4 Blackstone
May 23, 2024, 02:09:51 AM
Quote from: jkSharp on May 23, 2024, 12:09:22 AMWould any T8 user be willing to sell/send me a worn down T8 Blackstone?

That would definitely work.
Knife Sharpening / Re: SP-650 use on SJ-250
May 23, 2024, 02:08:47 AM
No. It works by reducing the size of the exposed particles on the wheel. Since the size of the particles on the SJ are 5,000 grit then that will be the lowest grit the wheel will be. The SP will not "increase" grit size, only decrease.
Knife Sharpening / Re: New angle jig KS-123
May 23, 2024, 02:05:01 AM
Now all we need is one for the SE-77
Knife Sharpening / Re: New angle jig KS-123
May 23, 2024, 02:01:41 AM
Quote from: Ken S on May 22, 2024, 03:45:51 PMI live in the US and know very little about marketing in Australia.

We are often rorted by importers. Many a time I have bought much cheaper from overseas, including shipping and taxes. Some product lines more than others. Sony for instance is more than three times the $$ price here than in the US for not reason than it is. Take into account exchange rate and the reset that is about 50% over the odds. It is not as bad now that the Australian government clarified the law on parallel imports.

Speaking only about this jig, As per the current exchange rates a US$50 unit is AU75 add import taxes and that is $81.63 not $95. Someone is making an additional 15% profit.

As Charlie Brown used to say, you can't fight city hall ;)
Quote from: AlInAussieLand on May 22, 2024, 12:04:59 PMSurprisingly the price differences are minuscule between them

Depends. If you check ebay then some of them will heavily discount there with free shipping. I found the most consistently low prices are from Discount Traders and sometimes VEK tools. They will offer up to 20% off some items and sometimes there will be an additional discount voucher on the listing often including free shipping. I got over $100 off some of my diamond wheels. If you are willing to be patient then you can get some real bargains. Having said that my T8 black was never discounted so there is that, but I do see discounts on the regular T8.
Quote from: AlInAussieLand on May 22, 2024, 04:16:28 AMCouldn't believe it but I found a retailer here in OZ and ordered one straight away.

At AU$95 I will be waiting until Discount Traders list them to see what they will list them at.
Knife Sharpening / Re: New angle jig KS-123
May 22, 2024, 04:26:43 AM
Hmmmm ... first Australian listing - AU$95 That is quite a mark up