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BGM 100

Started by onewaywood, June 28, 2009, 11:50:02 PM

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Can you tell us anything about it, or when will it be on your web page ??????


Hi guys

I've just ordered mine!!!

See details on ""




Just to clarify, the above website is an Aussie site and the price is in Aussie dollars (exchange rate approx 1AS$=0.8US$).  Tools and jigs are generally much more expensive in Aust than they are in the US.  :'( :'(

Jeff indicated earlier they should sell for around $57 in the US.


Jeff Farris

It should be on our commerce site later this week.  I've reminded the home office that it needs to be added to our main site.

As mentioned, it sells in the USA for $56.99.  It currently is in stock with Packard Woodworks and  For both, as of today (6/30), you would need to call to order, rather than order online.

The package includes a Universal Support, a horizontal base, hardware, feet for the base you will build, and very comprehensive instructions on how to properly build your base and how to safely use the dry grinder to shape your tools.

I demonstrated it for the first time at the AAW Symposium in Albuquerque this past weekend.  I was quite pleased with its ease of use and the perfect match between the grinder and the Tormek. 

As an aside, this was the first time I've used a dry grinder on turning tools in many, many years.  It surprised me how much I removed from the tool, even when using a very light touch.  The coarseness of the scratch pattern on a high quality aluminum oxide stone was an eye opener, too.  In demonstrating the value of the Tormek edge, I made one cut coming off the dry grinder, then made a pass or two over the Tormek and made a cut next to the first cut.  The difference in surface finish was nothing short of startling. As far as tool life, I took more off my demonstrator 1/2" bowl gouge this weekend than I have in the last two years of working exclusively on the Tormek.
Jeff Farris