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Old universal Support and new SE76 with a model 2000

Started by azuckerman, June 26, 2009, 05:57:14 PM

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I am using the original universal support (no threaded adjustment) that came with my model 2000.
I just purchased the square edge jig (SE76) which I hoped to use in the honing position.
My problem is that the universal support does not appear to be long enough. THe jig falls off the end well before the left edge of the chisel i am trying to sharpen reaches the left edge of the grinding wheel.
Are the new universal supports longer? THe horizontal bar on mine measures 12" from the bend to the end or 8" from the second leg to the end.

Jeff Farris

The shape and size of the Universal Support is the same.

It is ineffective and inappropriate to use either the SE-76 or the SVH-60 in the horizontal mount.  Chisels, plane irons and spokeshave blades should be sharpened in the vertical mount with the wheel turning into the cutting edge.

The SE-76 works in the horizontal position in relation to the leather honing wheel on the T-7, but not to the grindstone.
Jeff Farris