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Problem sharpening on T-4 with TTS-100 jig

Started by MikeV, March 05, 2025, 04:11:25 PM

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I am new to this forum, new to the world of wood turning, and new to Tormek sharpening.  I recently purchased a used T-4 in good condition.  I replaced the sanding wheel with a new SG200.  I also purchased the woodturning kit from Tormek.  My first foray into sharpening a spindle gouge has me puzzled. After reading the instruction manual and watching a couple of Youtube videos,  I carefully set the tool bar using the TTS-100, watching for rotation of both wheels and locking in place.  I then set up the SVD186R according to the formula for a 45 degree bevel: JS2, P65, hole A.  I ensured that the position of the gouge was locked on the jig nearest the stone.  What I end up grinding is a 30 degree bevel rather than 45 degrees.  What am I doing wrong?  Sure would appreciate any advice.


I'd check the projection 1st.  Is it 65 mm?
Rich Colvin - a reference guide for sharpening

You are born weak & frail, and you die weak & frail.  What you do between those is up to you.


Yes, I can confirm that the projection is 65mm.  Is it possible that the turning kit is designed for the T-8 and not the T-4?

Ken S

Welcome to the forum, Mike.

This is a puzzle. I checked the included chart with the Woodturner's Instruction Box (Tormek product # TNT300). Your settings, JS 2; hole A; 65 mm protrusion are correct. The Woodturner's Instruction Box has been in the Tormek product line for MANY years. The book was written by Tormek inventor and founder, Torgny Jansson. The accompanying video was done by Jeff Farris, the founder of this forum, using a T2000 machine. Incidentally, if the TNT300 is still available, I highly recommend purchasing one. It is a valuable training aid for both sharpening and actual woodturning.

What puzzles me is that I have religiously followed every posted forum topic since 2009 and this is the first time I recall this issue. Please do not interpret this as any criticism of you. There is definitely a problem to be solved, and it will be solved. As I write this, I am also emailing support ( Please note, it is almost end of day now in Sweden, and support works Monday through Friday and also has other duties.

The turning kit is designed to work with all Tormek models. The patented two metal wheels auto adjust for differences in wheel diameters.

I will post my reply from support.



Thanks for responding, Ken.  Per your recommendation, I found the TNT-300 on eBay and ordered it.  Coincidentally, I had copied my original posting on this forum and sent it as an email to customer support in Sweden requesting any advice.  Haven't heard anything as yet.  I am heading to a nearby Woodcraft store tomorrow evening for an introduction to the lathe.  While there I plan to ask anyone with Tormek experience to share their wisdom.  Appreciate any and all suggestions. 
