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Grinding a knife with a sloping handle

Started by Nico, February 21, 2025, 10:30:23 PM

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I'm attempting to sharpen a kitchen knife which has a plastic, sloping handle that extends all the way to the blade edge (image 🅐). Grinding one edge of the blade is OK (image 🅑), but grinding the other edge (image 🅒) the plastic handle touches on the stone wheel when the knife is positioned at the start of the blade. I'm not quite sure why this is - maybe the plastic handle is thicker on that edge? Theoretically it should be symmetric, so more investigation is needed.

So I am wondering if there is a "best practice" for this style of knife. I played around with grinding it with a pivoted jig (image 🅓), which may also be better done by clamping the knife in the jig at a severe angle so the jig stop runs parallel with the USB, but it doesn't feel right.

Any thoughts?

Thread Killer

Other than changing the bevel thickness I don't perceive any problem angling the knife.  One of those do what you gotta do. 


When angling the knife, you're grinding with a slightly convex shape. It might increase the tendency to overgrind the middle of the blade.


I use a 1x30 belt sander for that type of knife.  I have a Fiskars and a Victornox with that type of handle.

3D Anvil

Yeah, this is a problem for Tormek sharpening.  If you angle the knife you are going to get wildly different sharpening angles from the heel to the tip.  Like BPalv, I'll either use a 1x30 or freehand sharpen these types of knives.