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Stepper Programming problem

Started by Abesser, June 21, 2024, 10:39:34 AM

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Hi there,

I have an old lathe ( for wood turning ) and added some stepper-motors to it, i can control them over arduino without problems.
But now i want to do the controler some work for me.

My drives are:

I would like to send the Arduino 2 dimmensions (x,y) and it will caclulate the path for the tool to move to this point in a as direct line as possible.
X means that the tool will go left or right, Y that the tool moves into or out of the material.
( The arduino does not know the actual position at the moment, so i only say for example this left 10 and into 12 => X=-12;Y=12 )

My problem is that on one stepper 1 step means 0,0075mm and on the other 0,005mm movement.
I allready made some try in calculating this , but i only arrive to make 90 or 45 degree moves :frowning:

It would be nice if you could show me some of your ideas to give me a little push.


Ken S

Hi, Abesser.
I sent you a PM advising you that things like steppers are outside the scope of this forum.
I will leave the topic up for a few days in case any of the members have any suggestions,
