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The grinding wheel is rotating in reverse for camber sharpening

Started by dalpets, August 31, 2023, 03:03:57 PM

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The jig I am using here (pic) is supposed to be the SE-77 & is marked as such but it is different. It has only one adjustment wheel whereas the newer 77(?) jig has adjustment knobs either side of the blade position.

Nevertheless, I have set the rig up in the same way as the newer version is shown online but the grinding wheel is rotating towards the the bevel and that is clearly not what the design intends.

I don't see any alternative fitment method for the total setup to overcome the rotation problem. Any help would be appreciated.


I also notice in the Tormek promotional video entitled 'Tormek T-4 sharpening system: Getting Started with Alan Holtham' (youtube) that @ 1.09 mins the grinding stone is rotating in a clockwise direction but @ 3:26 mins the rotation is anti-clockwise??

I notice in further videos viewed that anti clockwise sharpening of both knives & other tools seems to be acceptable. Is it the preferred  method?


it appears that the jig is correct but it is just missing one tightening knob.

You have set the chisel at the wrong side of the jig. The arrow shows you where the chisel is supposed to go. The end is square for the side of the chisel or plane blade.
See this picture as an example

Here is the PDF version of the instructions from Tormek on how to use the jig, if you have not read them already.
SE-77 Instructions
I am not sure why you think it is a problem to grind toward the chisel bevel?? It is intended to grind in this direction. Again see manual or various videos if you prefer.
Like this
SE-77 quick video
or this see the first minute of this video
or this older one which shows the older SE-76 jig but the main idea is exactly the same. SE-76 video

Of course, if you really want to grind away from the bevel then nothing is stopping you from using the horizontal support instead and just setting the chisel in the opposite way.. i will try to do a photo. See if this shows OK

hope that helps,


Quote from: dalpets on August 31, 2023, 05:18:19 PMI also notice in the Tormek promotional video entitled 'Tormek T-4 sharpening system: Getting Started with Alan Holtham' (youtube) that @ 1.09 mins the grinding stone is rotating in a clockwise direction but @ 3:26 mins the rotation is anti-clockwise??
This is not the case if you look carefully. At 3m29s, the view is from behind the machine. See where the water trough is in relation to the wheel.

All tormek machines only rotate in one direction.


Did you buy this SE-77 new? if so, it is missing one tightening knob and will not work correctly without it....

Ken S

Welcome to the forum, Michael.

My SE-77 is one of the first sold. It is identical to the jigs being sold currently. First, you should email support and tell them about your missing second locking screw. Tormek will send you the missing knob and any related parts at no charge.

I highly recommend you study this online class youtube:

This is excellent instruction. I have had the opportunity this week of looking over the shoulders of Wolfgang and Sebastien demonstrating this. These online videos provide the same level of expertise at no charge. In fact, I recommend the whole series, starting with this one.

Keep us posted.
