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Supergrind 2005 Info & value

Started by metjack, November 03, 2019, 05:24:50 PM

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i have the opportunity to buy a brand new in box Supergrind 2005.  Having trouble finding much information on this grinder.  Can anyone give me specifications, etc. and approximate value?


Its value is that of a T8 without a warranty and without a stainless shaft and EZ lock. Do some research  and find out what comes with a T8. Whatever you have to buy to match the T8, you subtract from the price of a new T8 and a little more due to age. It may be new in box but you do not know if any electricals have deteriorated due to age. Try to get a demo. Remember to check all contents of a new T8. I have a Supergrind of that vintage that runs perfectly so just because it is old does not mean it isn't a good buy. The Supergrind and the T8 are very, very similar. Obviously, you are going to play on the age factor in your final price when negotiating.
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.

Ken S

I agree with Jeff. I would note that there have been numerous subtle improvements over the years which should factor into the value. The truing tool has been redesigned twice, and is much improved. The finish on the frame has improved rust resistance. The rubber like surface on the drive wheel has better grip. As noted by Jeff, the stainless steel EZYlock shaft is a substantial improvement, as is the microadjust support bar. Most of the jigs have been redesigned.

The Tormek handbook was written in the Supergrind era and remains essentially unchanged.

As part of my forum preparation, I have followed ebay regularly to get a sense of the used Tormek market. In my opinion, the market for older Tormek equipment is generally overpriced. I have no need for another Tormek, however, I would be sorely tempted by a new in the box 2005 Tormek priced under $200 US. (Don't forget to include shipping.) Most of the listings I have seen are substantially above this. At this price, I think a new unit is a better long term investment.

Keep us posted.
