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KnifeGrinders Software

Started by Jeff_Coates, September 13, 2019, 02:53:26 AM

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Hello all.

I am new to Tormek, and decided to go this route from WickedEdge and EdgePro both of which I own and regularly use.

I went Tormek just to use the KnifeGrinders software. I am learning as I go, with "practice knives.

I could not locate an existing thread, but I'm pretty sure there is one.

Anyway, questions abound.

1. Is it correct that the only way to use the software w/o the front vertical accessory is to grind into the stone?

2. And no honing?

3. Sources to walk thru using it on knives? (I have been to the site and it is great - just looking for more.)

4. Honing - SJ-250 or leather wheel? Advantages of each?

Thanks. I am so looking forward to mastering this skill.
It is a joy to work with high quality tools, both the Tormek & the software.

Ken S

Welcome to the forum, Jeff. While several of us on the forum, including me, use the Knife Grinders software, the best source of information for it is the Knife Grinders website and youtube channel.
( Vadim, the owner and developer, has made several very good youtubes explaining his software. He also posts on this forum. Do a member search for "wootz" and click on show posts.



Welcome to the community,
I believe that today the best method to have a good result in sharpening knives is to use the software of the friend Vadim "wootz", read and see all his publications. Without neglecting a constant practice, to acquire that indispensable manual skill.
Have fun. ;)
Kindly yours