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Tormek as a vendor at the Woodworking show

Started by EKBoston, January 04, 2019, 01:44:08 PM

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Discovered Tormek will be a vendor at the 2019 woodworking shows. They will be in MA next week and I plan on attending. Two seminars as well talking about the Tormek and sharpening.
Has anyone in the forum attended in years past? Was it worth the trip? Its about 80 miles one way from where I live.


That is a good question but a somewhat personal choice. 

I think it depends on your level of interest in the woodworking content.  If you have a Tormek mostly for knife sharpening and are not much of a woodworker, it may not be worth it just to see the Tormek demos at their booth, in my opinion. 

But...  As a beginner with the Tormek, if you are like me, I wanted to know and see everything, so I would have gone to such a show, just to see the Tormek, even without a lot of interest, at the time, in woodworking.  My interest in woodworking has been increasing of late, completely unrelated to anything Tormek, so, I would make that trip now, but it would be for the woodworking show.  I would however, consider carefully, how and when I would try to go, due to traffic, depending where in the Boston metropolitan area the show is located. 

Quality is like buying oats.  If you want nice, clean, fresh oats, you must pay a fair price. However, if you can be satisfied with oats that have already been through the horse, that comes at a lower price.

Ken S


I know what I would do, and actually did do:

I would go to the woodworking show and plan to spend the day there almost entirely hanging around the Tormek booth. I would make it a point to attend all of the Tormek seminars. Bring a notebook with your questions and do not be shy about asking.

I did this exact same thing several years ago at a woodworking giant event in Hartville, Ohio. I arrived around store opening and stayed until after five. There were no Tormek seminars. I regret missing seminars by Ernie Conover and Mark Duginske, both former teachers and longtime acquaintances. However, I was focused on Tormek.

To my surprise, Affinity Tool, the Tormek importer, had hired Steve Bottorff to cover the morning for them. Steve's sharpening book is a well worn fixture in my library. I essentially had a private seminar with Steve for much of the morning. We had lunch together. I enjoyed meeting two Affinity reps.

It was a great day; I would gladly do it again. Incidentally, the drive was three hours each way. I have been back twice to enjoy a visit and lunch with Steve. Steve has become a valued friend and mentor.

Please take notes and report back to the forum. I wish I could be there with you.



- Ken, good idea. I'm going on a Sunday because of a commitment I have on Saturday. It should be scarce of people since its closing day.
Tormek seminar by Pat Hennin Here is his seminar description.
Saturday 3:00 pm, Sunday 11:30 am
The Tormek Sharpening System is one of the best tools available for sharpening everything in your bevy of
tools. We have been using the Tormek Sharpening System since it was green! We will share with you, our
tips and tricks to making the machine do the work for you so you can get back to what you love most, using
your tools. Whether you have had and have been using your Tormek for years, have it sitting in a box in
your workshop but haven't found the time to set it up or you are considering purchasing one; this workshop
will afford you some great new ideas to help you get your edge back.
- Ed...

Ken S


I have not heard of Pat Hennin, however, if I was anywhere Boston, I would not miss his lecture. In past shows at Hartville, there are some regulars who come to get their pocket knives sharpened for free. There are also some people with genuine interest, like you. I worked as a Tormek demonstrator for one weekend show. I believe you will find Pat Hennin a very interested and interesting Tormeker. As such, he will be very glad to talk with you. Make full use of the slower periods. That's when you can learn the most. Ask lots of questions.

Have a great day!


ps Where is the show located? (My mother's side of the family lived in Mass. for several hundred years.)


It would be great if Tormek came to the Northeastern Woodworkers Association show in Saratoga, NY on March 30 & 31, 2019.


Quote from: Ken S on January 04, 2019, 10:25:52 PM

I have not heard of Pat Hennin, however, if I was anywhere Boston, I would not miss his lecture. In past shows at Hartville, there are some regulars who come to get their pocket knives sharpened for free. There are also some people with genuine interest, like you. I worked as a Tormek demonstrator for one weekend show. I believe you will find Pat Hennin a very interested and interesting Tormeker. As such, he will be very glad to talk with you. Make full use of the slower periods. That's when you can learn the most. Ask lots of questions.

This is his web site

Have a great day!


ps Where is the show located? (My mother's side of the family lived in Mass. for several hundred years.) West Springfield about 110 miles give or take from Boston.

Ken S


Thanks for posting the link about Pat Hennin; we need more good people like him.

As I recall, if you jump on route 20, you should arrive in less than a day and a half!  :)
